Classic Lines Cardigan Tuesday

I feel like I’m back in high school! I used to make up schedules, breaking out big projects into manageable pieces and then check my progress against those small goals. I have to admit that Check-In Tuesdays had the effect of a weekly quiz. Sunday morning I realized that I needed to get going or I would be in a lot of trouble on Tuesday! 🙂
Not that I didn’t want to work on my cardigan. It’s just that the days seem to slip by so quickly. I loved having the reminder to slow down and take some time out for a nice long knitting session. I smiled, set up my Kindle and knit all day Sunday! And, knit more on Monday, etc.
Look at my progress!! I had 7″ last Tuesday. Today I have 13″ and my final goal is 19″. You can see …

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Sneak peak at the upcoming “Gift” Knit Along

That subject line for this blog post may make it sound more interesting than it really is, but anyway…
Angela and I are going to be co-leading a “Gift” Knit Along to help everyone get through their holiday gift giving knitting.
I have already started mine and finished a couple of projects as shown in the couple of photos above. They are two kitchen towels and a sushi (spicy tuna roll to be exact) toilet paper cozy for my little brother and his new wife.
I may sound cool because I’ve started my holiday knitting, but I look downright lame next to a couple people in our office who are DONE with their gift knitting. You’ll meet them in the Knit Along and can admire and hate them–oops, sorry, I mean admire and be inspired by them. …

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New Needle Stand!

It seems like a million years ago, but I once thought that I was going to go into biological research. I got a BA in biology, worked on a prairie restoration project, was a student worker in the biology department, and did other science-y things. Instead of going on to grad school for biology, I freaked out my parents and went into a program that turns scientists into filmmakers. A few weird turns later, and I’m working for Knit Picks!
All of this is just me trying to explain why I wanted a test tube rack for my needle tips – I am a huge, unrepentant nerd.

I used a company out of New Zealand, Ponoko, to make a prototype of what I wanted. It’s a pretty slick service – you draw up your plans, put them into a template, …

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I’m a good helper!

See, here I am helping Kate at work.

We were setting up the new sock KAL . It’s really fun, you can get free patterns and show off the socks you’ve knit. And there are lots of knitters who’ve made many, many pairs of socks in the KAL, so if you run into trouble, there’s probably someone who can help. I don’t wear socks, but if I did, I’d join.
I’m also helping Mom with a special project she’s working on for Knitters for Knockers PDX. See all that pink yarn? She obviously needed my expert opinion to help her narrow it down to just one or two favorites.

It would be even harder to pick just one now that we introduced all the new fall colors! Did you see all the new colors in Palette? There are 7 new pinks!! …

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Have you tried Zephyr needles, yet?

I am ridiculously excited about our announcement of the Zephyr needles. This time last year I was traveling in Ireland happily knitting on my Aran Cardigan using the first samples. The light weight, sharp points and slight flexibility made working the cables an absolute joy! The hard part was taking care not to show the “sample” needle tips in my photos.
I’ve been using the “second draft” samples for my Moderne Baby Blanket knitting.
Finally, we have been able to share them with you. I know we have had many orders but I don’t think any needles have actually arrived at their new homes. Once you receive your Zephyr needles, could you do me a favor? Add a comment to this post and let me know your first impressions. That would help ease my anxiety quite a bit. 🙂
Thanks! …

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I have a really good excuse – Sock Summit!

Seriously, I have great hopes for Classic Lines Cardigan Tuesdays but there are going to be legitimate distractions that cannot be ignored. Sock Summit begins on Thursday and I am so excited! I also need to finish prepping for my classes. I don’t actually have homework but I do need to gather up my supplies.
Here is my schedule for Sock Summit
Wednesday Afternoon
Drop by the Convention Center and pick up my Registration Packet
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm — Hizsocks Class
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm — Student Only Marketplace
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm — Opening Reception
9:00 am – 2:00 pm — Wander Marketplace
2:00 pm – 6:30 — Restorative Nap at home
7:00 pm – 11:00 — Sock Hop Party in Portland
9:00 am – 4:30 pm — Bavarian Stockings class
9:00 am – 1:30 pm — Marketplace Wandering
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm — Luminary Panel

Whew!!! I’ll be on a high for weeks!! …

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Listen to Bob on the radio!

Last week, OPB gave me a call to ask if Knit Picks would be willing to participate in a live conversation on the radio about the knitting industry, and Bob was more than happy to comply.
The show aired this morning, and our whole staff camped out in the conference room to hear what Bob had to say. Cat Bordhi and Jo Hartman, the owner of a local Portland yarn shop- the Yarn Garden, were also guests on the show. Bob did a great job (of course!).
You can download an MP3 of the show and take part in a discussion about the current state of the knitting industry here on OPB’s site– <

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I was so excited to be almost finished with my Essential Tank when I realized something…… the partial lace pattern repeat on each armhole side, I’d been making the two increases, but only one corresponding decrease, so my armhole edge slowly curved back out – aargh! I was hoping it wouldn’t be too bad so I went ahead and blocked the tank to see what it looked like. Frog time. <

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Sock Summit + my first sock + Gift KAL

I snuck out of the office for a couple of hours this morning to go check out the Sock Summit marketplace with Alison and Kate. It was very educational. At the sock museum I learned the difference between a gusset and a short row heel. This is a gusset.

Who knew!?
I also touched A LOT of yarn. It was kind of like a petting zoo without any animals. I petted llama, baby camel, bison, yak, buffalo, angora bunny, mohair and cashmere goats, silk (and silk cocoons!), and a bunch of different kinds of sheep fiber. I thought the bison was especially pretty. I learned I like the long color repeats and transitions in Malabrigo and Mini Mochi. And I was especially attracted to blue yarn today. I saw the Yarn Harlot in person, but I didn’t kinnear her.
We also ran into Stephanie Bryant from Handknit …

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