Yarn Colors are ready for their close-up, Mr. DeMille

Shopping for yarn online can be a maddening guessing game. Is that a Teal or a Turquoise strand in Shimmer Hand Dyed Shallows? Will Comfy Sport’s Seafoam and Marlin clash or compliment each other? Its a lot to ask from your computer screen, but on Knit Picks, we’ve recently added full-color, 300 pixel close-ups that bring each yarn color to life. As always, our team of photographers takes great care to achieve real-life color accuracy, but you shouldn’t have to squint to see all those beautiful colors!
Still not sure if Fennel is the right color for your new lace shawl? Our most popular yarns also have a detailed written description of the colors and transitions you’ll find in the yarn.
The best part? You can view multiple pop-ups at the same time to compare different colors from the same yarn line!
Step 1: Find a color that catches your eye and click …

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Aaaah, Black Sheep Gathering

What a lovely way to spend a day!

My take for the day?
A used Ashford Joy spinning wheel that I bought from Theo after seeing her ad on the Black Sheep Gathering group in Ravelry. Thank you, Theo!!! I love my “new” wheel!
I also bought an Ashford Knitters Rigid Heddle loom.
I did not buy any spinning fiber! But, it was very hard to resist temptation with Alison pointing goodies out to me every few minutes. <

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New Lace Samplers and a Lace KAL for Summer!

Lots of you have probably already noticed the new Lace Samplers that have appeared on our website. They come in 4 rich, pretty colorways and each sampler comes with the pattern to knit both the Chinook Shawl (pictures above in the “Deep Sea” colorway) and the Pyrifera Scarf. (Click “more images” on the product page to see more pictures of these!) Well, today Tina launched our Lace Knit Along and I graciously agreed to go on the record, as the designer of the Chinook shawl, to give you all an idea of how it came to be:

Neat, eh? Anyone can join the KAL, you don’t have to be working this particular pattern to do so, so come on by! I’d love to see a good mix of seasoned and newer lace knitters there, helping each other along. I’ll be there, answering questions about the …

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Wackiest Re-Use Contest

Survey Results – GlowDay.com
In the spirit of the reusable Montavilla Market tote, we asked knitters to share their wackiest and most creative re-uses that can be helpful around the house. We had a lot of responses in this thread, but we managed to select our top six finalists.
You have until Tuesday July 30th to vote, and the winner will receive an organic gift baskets including chocolate, a candle, and of course Knit Picks yarn and needles.
1. Wendy Tolley uses orphaned socks to absorb moisture when she freezes bread. For the full story, click here.
2. AJ crochets plastic grocery bags into sturdy and reusable grocery bags. For the full story, click here.
3. judezy uses a shop towel to make a hammock for wildlife that she is rehabilitating. For the full story, click here.
4. clockworktomato uses soda to clear her drains. For the full story, click here.
5. SarahD turned a light fixture …

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Line by line

I’m inching along on my Classic Lines Cardigan, and I’m amazed to see how much progress I’ve made just by knitting in meetings at work and the occasional car trip. (Alice has discovered that her hands can GRAB things, so anything in my hands or on my person at home is not safe!)
On the right is how the cardigan looked a couple weeks ago, as modeled by my new dress dummy. (I think she needs a name! Any suggestions?) I just measured, and I am now only an inch away from the armpits. I guess that means I need to knit the other sleeve. I knit one sleeve already, but for some reason cast on the body next (even though it’s just more of the same in wider format).
If you haven’t been following along through the Classic Lines Cardigan knitalong, the pattern …

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Wearable Lace

I love lace knitting, but I’m already the proud owner of four lace shawls, so I wanted to knit something else in lace. When I saw the Essential Tank Top by Laura Zukaite in the book Lace Style, I knew that was the next lace thing I HAD to knit! (It is image #1 under View More Images, and we’ll also be showing a version of it knit in double stranded Gloss Lace on page 5 of our lace catalog which is now online!)
I’m knitting it in single stranded Essential Kettle-Dyed in a sample color that didn’t make the cut (sorry!). However, if you’re an orange lover like me, I think you could get really close to this color by dyeing the Bare version of Essential with Burnt Orange Jacquard Acid Dye (maybe throw in a few grains of Chestnut for a slightly darker edge). Which reminds …

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It Counts as Lace, right?

With all this recent talk of lace and socks and warm-weather knitting, you might think that I’d forgotten about my City Tweed sweater. Well, I HAVE slowed down a bit, but progress is still being made! There’s the back and both fronts on the blocking board, (I noticed that I pinned them crooked as I uploaded this picture. Don’t worry, they’re even now!) patiently awaiting the sleeves, which are still rather un-impressive:

But hey, it’s something! We have a saying around the office (Or, maybe it was said once and I decided in my mind that it was a saying…) which goes, “If it has holes, it’s lace,” and when I think about it that way, fully half of my projects count as lace! Or, they will, once they’re done. So, since this sweater is lace, that makes it …

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Wearing Lace Shawls

I’ve heard a lot of people say they don’t know how they would wear lace shawls, and that keeps them from knitting them. We think lace shawls are infinitely wearable (you don’t even have to look like an old lady when you do wear them!), and here is Nina to demonstrate:
The shawls shown, in order, are:
Chinook Shawl – from the Lace Yarn Sampler Kits, shown in the Deep Sea colorway.
Lady’s Circular Cape – from Victorian Lace Today, knit in Spring Green Heather Shadow lace yarn
Rona Shawl – from the Rona Shawl pattern knit in Stream Heather Alpaca Cloud lace yarn
Thistle Design Balmoral Shawl – from the Second Book of Modern Lace Knitting, knit in Cypress Gloss Lace yarn
Curved Shawl – from Victorian Lace Today, knit in Autumn Heather Alpaca Cloud lace yarn
Miralda’s Triangle Shawl – from Knitted Lace of Estonia, knit in Iris Heather Palette yarn
Myrtle Leaf Shawl – from …

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Getting the hang of these charts!

I went to craft day on Sunday at work, and made a lot of progress on my Vivian sweater. There are 6 different cable charts that I need to pay attention to for the body of the sweater, and some of them don’t repeat! This means that I can’t knit this sweater while on the bus or while paying attention at meetings. I need to sit still, spread out my charts, and focus on this sweater.

But it’s worth it, because this sweater is beautiful and well designed! And I love how all of these textured stitches look in City Tweed HW! Plus I love a challenge! And as I become familiar with the charts, the knitting does speed up. <

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