Podcast Episode 317: Designing Knits

The first step in every knitter’s journey is conquering the basics: knitting, purling, casting on and binding off. The next step, of course, is finding ways to make your knits do exactly what you want! That feeling when everything comes together in a project that fits perfectly, and looks just as you’d imagined is every knitter’s dream. 

In this episode Lee and Hannah answer the Knit Picks Podcast’s very first message from the new podcast voicemail. Our caller wanted to know how to customize a hat to fit her perfectly and we were so excited to answer her question. Listen in as we dig deep into what makes knitted hats the best place to learn and refine your skills …

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February News: New Needles & Upcycle Yarns

Spring is SO close, we can practically taste it! We’re gearing up for lighter, brighter days, and our latest creations obviously reflect this shift in our creative mood. With a proverbial spring in our step (see what we did there?), we’re happy to introduce our newest (and most colorful) needles as well as our latest yarn-related endeavors with all of our wonderful crafty friends (you!).

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Podcast Episode 316: All About Yarn

Each project has a beginning. Sometimes inspiration starts with a new pattern, but our favorite knits always begin with a surprise “I have GOT to have that!” skein. Today’s episode includes our favorite ways to pick patterns when you’re starting from your stash.

First, Erica and Hannah discuss all the information on yarn labels! Each label has everything you need to know about a yarn if you know how to parse the mysterious lingo. (We’ve included a label here so you can follow along as we go through each section.) 

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Anatomy of a Sweater

Does looking for your next sweater pattern leave you confused by all the terms casually thrown around? Raglan, saddle shoulder, empire waist … all of these design elements have their pros & cons, but if you are new to sweater construction, it can be a little overwhelming. We’re here to break down several of the most popular terms to help you find that perfect project!

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Podcast Episode 315: Knitting Needles and Knitting Cables

Today we’re going back to basics! First up, Stacey and Hannah share some insights into knitting needles. The most essential knitting tool, no matter your technique, pattern or yarn, choosing the right needles for each project is the very first step and can make a huge difference in your journey. Whether you’re dedicated to DPNs or curious about Interchangeable Needles, Stacey and Hannah cover the basics of needle selection.

Next, Gerda and Lee dig deep into the intricacies of knitting cables. One of the most impressive techniques, cables offer heaps of visual interest once you learn a few simple steps. They even describe how to cable without a cable needle and demystify some of the ways people use the word “cable” …

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Happy New Yarn(s)!

Limited edition Hawthorne Marl Sock Labs sock yarn.

The 3rd week in January isn’t too late to be celebrating the new year, right? We didn’t think so either! In fact, since several of our newest yarns were delightfully delayed this last launch (insert an image of us cry-laughing here), we weren’t able to roll them out with the usual fanfare. Alas, the long awaited blog post announcing all (of the rest of) the exciting new yarny goodness is hot off the wordpress and ready for all you fiber fiends to peruse! Get. Ready.

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Podcast Episode 314: Finishing Touches

In the spirit of a new year full of crafting goals and bursting project queues, we’re taking a moment to think about the act of FINISHING knits. More than just weaving in ends, using the right finishing techniques for each project means you’ll have garments and accessories that will be treasured and look good for years to come.

First up, Erica and Hannah talk about the importance of taking your time. Each finishing step, from picking the perfect buttons to using the right techniques along the way, add up to a subtle but important difference in the finished project.

Next, Lee and Stacey cover the mysteries and intricacies of blocking. Truly one the last steps in the process, blocking can be much …

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