Seeking comfort

We are heading into the third week of renovation chaos in the office. Thankfully my office space is shaping up nicely and I’ve been able to be productive all day! What a nice change!
The problem is that Xena is not at all comfortable with boxes in hallways, strange men walking around pushing big, heavy carts and people in new spaces! When she does find someone in a “normal” space, she demands attention. Kate offered some love and comfort.

When all else fails, she jumps into her bag – the ultimate comfort!


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Christmas time stresses…

I want you to know I have great intentions… but darn!, Christmas sneaks up on me every year… you would think I would learn… last night I was working until after midnight on some gifts I am giving tonight…

why do I do this???? Well it started many many years ago… probably 35 to be exact… I was so excited when I learned to knit. I decided I was going to knit everyone a gift… again, great intentions… I made my mom a wrap around cardigan (very ambitious!!!), my dad got an array of “varigated” yarn hats… (he loved them, the brighter the better)… memory fails me as to what I made my brother… but the memorable one was my sister’s mittens… it was the last project I had to do that year… I was frantically knitting on Christmas Eve (did it come early that year?)… I …

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Christmas is right around the corner!

Can you believe that Christmas is only 10 days away? And Chanukah is already here!!

I’m 90% done with my holiday knitting, I have a few more ends to weave in, and two edges to reinforce with crochet, and then I am DONE! I think I’m going to make it, but if I don’t, at least I have these cute downloadable IOU’s as a back up. It’s nice to have a contingency plan.
I’m planning on including our printable care labels with my knitted gifts this year (my sister accidentally felted the cowl I made her last year, oops!) and while I’m at it, I’ll probably use the gift tags that match.
If I have extra time, maybe I’ll even knit Grumpy or Lumpy as package toppers out of stash yarn. Don’t you love holiday freebies? How’s your holiday knitting coming? …

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Sock Knitting Community Embarassment — But, I redeemed myself!

Ok, yesterday was a crazy day!! I was running behind schedule and grabbed the first pair of socks that I touched in the sock drawer. And, look what I had to deal with all day!

Store bought socks!! Yes, I have, what? – eight pairs of lovely hand-knit socks in that same drawer!! What was I thinking! No more sock selection before coffee!
This morning I redeemed myself for this blow to the sock knitting community. I love listening to the Martha Stewart channel on Sirius. Whole Living with Terri Trespicio was sending a call out for Things You Would Rather Make Than Buy as gifts. Well, hello!! Socks!!
I called and I actually got to sing the praises of sock knitting!! I hope the sock knitters will welcome me back into the fold! …

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Holiday Fun!

To get into the Christmas spirit, everyone at the office dressed up in holiday sweaters today and brought in cookies.
Things were very festive around here.

KP was the most festive department by far. Who knew what our designers could do with LED lights and tinsel?!

The guys around here are really good sports too.

It’s fun going into meetings when everyone is smiling. You can’t wear a sweater like Marci’s without smiling.

And Kate was even fuzzier than me!

I didn’t wear a sweater, I get too hot. I might have begged for a few cookies though.
I hope you’re all having fun-filled holidays too! <

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Finally! a completed Project, well almost….

I love to knit… the only problem is time… it escapes me… the older I get the faster it goes!!! but finally I get to say I finished a knitted project! How exciting and satisfying it is to be able to say that…

Earlier this fall, I was looking through an Interweave magazine and spotted the Every Way Wrap… it was gorgeous and I wanted it! I looked through my stash and found a considerable amount of Mainline (cotton/wool blend). I decided it would be perfect for this project. The first thing I did was enlarge the charts… (old eyes). the second thing I did was label the cable symbols on the chart (makes it so much faster than to keep looking at the legend… and then the knitting needles were flying… in dribs and drabs… but every week I was making visible progress… and now I …

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Incorporate knitting into your gift wrapping

Have you finished all of your Christmas gifts yet? I’m working on a double knit argyle scarf that probably won’t make the deadline, but we made a video to share ideas to incorporate knitting into your holiday gift wrapping. Whether you want use scraps of yarn to wrap your gift, personalize a gift card, include knitted ornaments with a gift, or make a last minute IOU placeholder gift, we have ideas for you!
For reference, those are Lumpy, Grumpy, and the Tidings of Joy ornaments in the video. <

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Heaps and Heaps of Color!

It’s our color work catalog, and to say we’ve made this one a doozie would be an understatement. Get your color fix with bold brights soaked with every luscious hue imaginable—Kristin Nicholas’s book helped us out there. But we also know color doesn’t have to mean rock ‘em sock ‘em craziness, so we’ve put together a soft romantic section as well. And finally be sure to check out the cutie overload in the woodlands section, fun animals, adorable kids projects (and the male model isn’t half bad).This was really a fun catalog to make, we hope you enjoy the preview and look for the real thing in your mailboxes soon.

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Independent Designer Program

Have you seen our new pattern program yet?

I am so excited to be working on this – we have received so many awesome designs that my knitting queue grows longer day by day – something that was never a problem before but now is getting a bit out of control! Here are a couple of patterns I’m dying to knit RIGHT NOW:
Pink Pigtails (and Armwarmers Too!) by Toni Carr

Miss Marple by Star Athena

Aspen Mittens by Jennifer Adams

I wish I could knit them all, to be honest.
Unsurprisingly, I’ve already started the Wiener Dog – my poor blind & deaf puppy is sitting here on my desk, waiting for some eyeballs & ears.

Best part of this program (other than having super awesome patterns for only $1.99) is the fact the designer keeps 100% of the sales …

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