Indie Knitting Patterns to Inspire Your Next Project

Who is looking for some inspiring new indie knitting patterns? I am! It’s my favorite time of year—the air is cooling off and maybe we’re all looking for new knitting patterns, either for ourselves or for gifts for loved ones. If you are looking for inspiration, check out some of these fabulous brand new indie designer patterns that I absolutely cannot wait to make!

Knitting Patterns by Tamy Gore

A woman holds up a knitted shawl in multicolored green, black, and gray chevrons. Kaliya Wrap by Tamy Gore: A new indie knitting pattern available at Wrap, using 2 packs of Stroll Tonal Minis and Aloft. Warm, pretty and fun to knit!

First are these beautiful patterns by Tamy …

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Podcast Episode 329: Gift Knitting

Our offices are located in the Pacific NorthWest where we’re all starting to see the subtle signs of fall. This means colder months are on their way and it’s time to get going on gifts knits for the holiday season. We know it might feel early, but if you’re a gift knitter, you know that it’s time.

In this episode you’ll hear Erica and Hannah talk tips, tricks and strategies to keep the stress at a minimum while making sure you’ve got everyone on your list covered. They share some of our favorite patterns to get you inspired to start making your lists and casting on this weekend. 

Stacey and Hillary also introduce our annual Twelve Weeks of Gifting! Free patterns await patient …

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Autumn Color Palette Inspiration

The leaves are starting to change, the air is crisp in the mornings, and Pumpkin Spice has bombarded my taste buds. That means autumn has arrived! The cool air has me reaching for my wool sweaters and cozy beanies and my project lineup is bulking up. Find your next autumn color palette for a knitting project, inspired by this time of year.

Warm Tones Autumn Color Palette

An autumn color palette: At the top, the inspiration photo consists of a snowy mountain peak behind a hill covered in blazing orange-leaved trees. Below, five yarn swatches from Wool of the Andes in the following colors: burnt orange, orangey-brown, light clear blue, medium foggy blue, and a slate blue.

The first autumn …

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12 Weeks of Gifting – Santa Pillow

Santa Pillow knit pattern: part of Knit Picks' 12 Weeks of Gifting free knitting patterns.

Surprise! It’s the end of September. Well, technically that’s not the surprise, although I will say that time has almost no meaning at this point (2020, amiright?) so, YES. The fact that fall is officially here is a bit of brain bender. No, the surprise is this—our annual 12 Weeks of Gifting series has begun!

We’ve added a little twist to our lineup this year. Ya know, just to keep things interesting. Each week from now until the middle of December, we’ll be offering one of our greatest hit patterns to you as a FREE download! But it will only be available for one week, so be sure to download it right away!

To kick things off in …

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Podcast Episode 328: Our Knitting Mistakes

Recently, during a meeting at the office the Knit Picks team realized that each and every one of us at, one moment or another has had an “AH HAH!” moment when we realized we were “doing something wrong!” A defining moment in every knitter’s craft, there comes a time when you embrace a craft quirk that’s special to you, or learn another way of doing something. 

Stay tuned to hear about Twisted stitches, struggling to join in the round or swapping garter stitch for stockinette in a project. Also, we talk about whether we change how we’re doing something or just roll with it and call it a “design feature” rather than a flaw! There really isn’t a wrong way to knit if …

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September News: What a Wonderfluff World

Fall is in the air…cozy pullovers, gift knitting, and endless cups of warm spiced cider are on the horizon. If you’re not quite ready to say goodbye to summer and need a little nudge, our latest batch of fiber creations and exclusive patterns are just the ticket to get you in the fall mood.

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Nifty Knitting with The Sims!

A Sims 4 Nifty Knitting graphic featuring a family wearing knitted items they've made.

During this really stressful year, I’ve rediscovered my love of The Sims, a game I played a lot several years back but hadn’t been keeping up with. I downloaded it on a rainy day in April and fell in love with it all over again—if I can’t go out, at least my little Sims can. In a funny bit of timing, a brand new game pack was released in July that was right up my alley—Nifty Knitting!

For those unfamiliar with the game, The Sims is a life simulation video game, first created 20 years ago. You can create little people (Sims) to direct around, giving them jobs and hobbies …

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