Category Archives: Pets

Knit Picks Pawtastic! Collection
Pawtastic! Collection

Designer: Margaret Mills Let me start by admitting that this collection was long, LONG overdue. Our lack of doggo-inspired knits was something we lamented on a daily basis around the office. After the success of our feline-friendly 9 Lives Collection, we knew the clock was ticking for us to produce its canine counterpart. I’m beyond excited to announce that wait is over and we can officially introduce you to our newest labor of love, Pawtastic! While every single pattern in this book gets an A+ in my opinion, there are a few that I can’t help but mention. And HEEEERREE they are! Boston Terrier Socks – Knit in Stroll ( I mean, just ...

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KNit Picks comfort knit pet blanket
Charity Knitting & Crocheting Roundup

For most of us, there comes a time when we may experience a lull in our project queue, or perhaps a lapse in inspiration. It’s times like these that one may ask themselves, “Who can I knit/crochet for? What can I make?” We’ve included here a list of several amazing charity organizations that would be more than happy to be on the receiving end of your creative efforts, who work to warm the hearts and bodies of those in need.  

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Snuggle Express 2017

One of our favorite days of the year is when the wonderful Oregon Humane Society brings the Snuggle Express! This is a program they do every December for Portland/Vancouver businesses where they bring by kittens and puppies for staff to play and snuggle with. It always brings a smile to our faces so here are a few images from our time today: [caption id="attachment_62355" align="alignnone" width="600"] Alexis getting a bunch of puppy kisses[/caption]

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Free Cats and Yarn Wallpaper

We've had so much fun with our cat-themed collection, 9 Lives, that we thought we would offer a freebie wallpaper download to keep the cat love going! I created an illustration of two cats tangled up in yarn - the orange cat is not too happy about it, but the gray cat is having a great time.

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Behind the Scenes for 9 Lives

You guys. Have you seen the new 9 Lives pattern collection?! Our latest pattern collection, is a celebration of cats and the people who love them. You guys. Have you seen the new 9 Lives pattern collection?! Our latest pattern collection, is a celebration of cats and the people who love them. The planning meeting was so much fun and you should have heard the chorus of "squees!" in the office every time received progress photos from the test knitters. Today, I'm bringing you some behind the scenes photos from our shoot at the wonderful local kitty cafe, Purringtons Cat Lounge!

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Brair Rose: A Home Collection by Knit Picks -
Briar Rose: A Home Collection

With spring right around the corner, our new Briar Rose collection brings a cozy pastel palette to chase away the last of those winter blues!  Today we'll show you some more behind-the-scenes photos of these dreamy knits, just in case you needed that last little nudge to cast on one (or two!) of these sweet little projects.

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Snuggle Express

Today was a good day.  We received a visit from the Snuggle Express! A few weeks ago, I spotted a program that the Oregon Humane Society was doing this holiday season - for a donation to OHS, offices could receive a visit from some adoptable puppies & kittens for some snuggle time! I was so excited and got it all set up for our office - and we received a visit from 3 puppies & 2 kittens today!

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Kitty Winners!

Thanks for all of your entries in our Cat book giveaway! I loved reading all the stories of your favorite kitties! To keep it fair, I used the random number generator to choose the winner - and here they are.

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