A week off the grid

For all intents and purposes, I was off the grid last week. I was on
the east coast visiting Bob’s family and then I spent four days on the
Jersey shore. Bob’s brother and his wife have a lovely home that I
begged to borrow for a knitting retreat with a friend. My friend has
recently moved from Europe to Puerto Rico. That climate change
threatened to put a damper on Jody’s knitting passion for knitting.

I suggested she focus on socks. You can use practically any stitch
pattern on a sock that you would use on a sweater. No worry about
becoming bored. Jody and her husband also travel a lot – A LOT! What
could be more portable, or airport security friendly, than a sock(s)?
In the interest of full disclosure, Jody has not exactly had positive
experiences knitting socks. She is a relaxed knitter like me but she
gets even more relaxed as she knits. So the socks magically grew. I was
convinced that if she worked on her socks from the toe-up, she would be
more successful.

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Gallatin Sweater

Living in the Northwest, it is impossible not to be inspired by
nature. For several months, I’ve had a sweater design in mind that
would both represent some of the natural beauty I’ve been immersed in,
but still have a sense of humor. I wanted a sweater that would be
equally at home on a walk in the Columbia Gorge, a horseback ride on
the plain, or a rainy late morning with a hot cup of coffee and a
maple-bacon donut. So, I am of course very happy to share my latest
sweater kit with you; the Gallatin Sweater!

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Little darling

Usually Xena is curled up on my lap. But, when she realizes I’m having a “walk around the office” kind of day, she retreats to her bed. She doesn’t actually have an undercoat so she does get cold. The office was a bit chilly so I arranged one of my lace shawls around her. The next time I looked, I couldn’t resist snapping a photo. I would have liked to twist her bowl around because it says, “Princess”, but I was afraid I would wake her up.

So, she is going to continue napping while I catch up on a few projects away from my computer.

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Knitting History


I took the ferry to Victoria, British Columbia yesterday for an extended Labor Day weekend.  I had a great time, walked all over town, and had tea at the Empress Hotel.  

But what was particularly cool were the shops that sold authentic Cowichan handknit sweaters, bulky yarn if you want to knit your own version, and unspun roving.  My friend snapped a picture of me holding a single skein of this bulky yarn.


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I love my Flower Cowl!

I know it looks bulky but that is only because I was trying to show you as much surface as possible. And, I like pulling it up by my ears. It is warm, cushy, comforting and it knit up so quickly. You also have to imagine it with a winter coat rather than a lightweight summer top.

I did make it a bit more challenging than necessary. The pattern from Milano Hilados suggested using the yarn to stitch the two ends together. But, I chose to start with a Provisional Cast-On so I would be able to weave, or Kitchener Stitch, the ends together. With Size 17, straight needles, it was a very clumsy way to begin. I had to start several times but once I finally got things going, it did only take about an hour to knit. And, I love that there isn’t a visible seam.

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Another treat from the Yarn District in Buenos Aires

My friend Jody sent such a wonderful bag of yarn goodies to me!

This is a decadent collection of alpaca, laceweight yarn. It is a warm-toned brown and is unbelievably soft. I can’t wait to cast-on a shawl but I’m not sure about the design. I don’t want to make my usual Pi shawl because the alpaca yarn is going to be very warm. It certainly doesn’t need to be doubled over like you do when you where a Pi shawl.

I also think I want a relatively tight stitch pattern. Textured rather than lacy. Umm, what to do, what to do. I’m open to suggestions.

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