My Rainy Day Blanket

The soft gray days have rolled in, and with them my crochet color palette has taken a gentler hue. Typically one with a penchant for bold color combinations, I decided to craft a blanket in the neutral and lovely Wool of the Andes Dove Heather. Its misty tweediness is so apt to usher in autumn.
Wool of the Andes blanket

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Learn to Crochet: the puff stitch

Over the past year, I have been shifting my crafting energies from knitting everywhere, all the time to focus on expanding my crochet skills. And I have to say, I finally feel as though my efforts have been paying off! With practice, a few basic stitches eventually transformed into granny squares which grew into giant granny square blankets. So what has been captivating my crochet sensibilities lately? Textured stitches!

Once I got the hang of how to work bobbles to my crochet, I couldn’t help but learn a few more textures to add to my crochet repertoire. After bobbles, the next stitch on my list of things to tackle was the puff stitch.

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Bringing Nature Home

I’m a huge fan of nature, as I’m sure those of you who have read my other blogs will know! Walking through a sunny field or a lush forest is an experience that I treasure.

But during the colder months, it’s hard to really enjoy too much of the outdoors before getting chilly. That’s why in my latest collection, Hearth and Home, I bring the beauty of nature indoors!

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City Tweed Collection

As the coordinator of our IDP collections, the biggest “problem” with my job is the fact that I am constantly surrounded by patterns I want to make RIGHT NOW. Case in point: last month we released Reclaimed (where I immediately cast on for Addison – I’m about halfway through the body) and the Wool of the Andes Collection (where I have the yarn already for Insulate). Now we’ve come out with probably my favorite collection to date – I want to knit everything!

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Andean Treasure


Have you taken a peek at Andean Treasure lately? It’s one of those yarns that I forget about until I see a project in it and then I’m instantly reminded about how wonderful it is. This time it was the utter adorableness of the photo we just took for the catalog.

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Desert Color

After a pretty busy summer, I was finally able to take a vacation. Of course for me, vacation equals very little human contact and lots of dust. It was off to the desert for me!

I love the high desert of Oregon, and spend as much time there as possible. When I’m back in civilization, I notice that I tend to favor desert colors in decor and clothing. So it should come as no surprise that the colors of Wool of the Andes Superwash that I’d picked out to play with are straight out of no-man’s land.

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Announcing our “Yarn with a View” Instagram Contest



The most important thing I’ve learned from our recent foray into Instagram is that you folks are taking your knitted and crocheted works-in-progress EVERYWHERE:  parks, gyms, schools, buses, planes, beaches, literal mountain tops, you-name-it.

That’s why I’m pleased to announce “Yarn with a View”, our first-ever Instagram contest! It’s a chance for you to share the gorgeousness of your projects, your versatility as an on-the-go crafter—and maybe win a delightful $50 Knit Picks gift card in the process.

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Podcast Episode 223: Getting Out of Your Knitting Comfort Zone

This week, Kelley expresses her gratitude for knitting and how it adapts to whatever you need it to be in your life. Whether you are looking for comfort, a distraction or a challenge, you can turn to knitting no matter where life takes you.

In recent years, Kelley has found knitting as a comfort in her life and in this episode, she shares how she is ready to get out of her knitting comfort zone in order to search out new challenges and take on new techniques. Hear more about Kelley’s knitting goals in addition to which techniques she is looking forward to trying out.

Knit Free-Sole Socks by Anna Zilboorg

Next, Kelley reviews a DVD from Anna Zilboorg in which she shows how to work her ingenious technique for socks that allows worn soles to be reknitted as often as needed in addition to a few other books to help inspire your own knitting goals. Finally, Kelley catches you up on her currents WIPs and what she has planned for her upcoming projects.

Reviewed Books & DVDs:

Knit Free-Sole Socks by Anna Zilboorg (DVD)
150 Scandinavian Motifs by Mary Jane Mucklestone
Knitting Counterpanes by Mary Walker Phillips

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