Design A Sweater. Lesson 4: Sleeves!

I raced through the body of my sweater in order to stay ahead of the class, but even if you haven’t finished that section, you can always start on a sleeve!

Knitting sleeeves can be a welcome break from working the torso of a sweater–they are more portable, and smaller, so each round goes much faster and the length gows perceptibly, for a real feeling of accomplishment! In this lesson, we’ll go over the math behind sleeve shaping, and discuss some potential modifications that allow you to get custom sleeves!

Click the link below for the handout:

Lesson 4: Sleeves

And check out our videos, where I (somewhat tiredly–apologies! I should maybe not shoot these lessons on Monday!) walk you through the math and show how the formulas in the handout gave me the sleeve I want!

We have a lot of great activity happening for the particiapnats of this class, so I’m hoping I can call upon all of you amazing knitters (including any knitters who are following along without commenting) for a favor! Since the bulk of the knitting of a sweater is the body and sleeves, I would like to take a week off from our lessons next week, to give everyone a chance to catch up and get excited about finishing their sweaters. My idea is that, instead of a lesson next week, we should do a show-and-tell/troubleshooting post! If you would be willing to share your progress on your sweater, if you have run into a problem and would like the Knit Picks Brain Trust to help you solve it, or if you have written or discovered some fabulous sweater-knitting resource, let us know by sending pictures, questions, links, and whatever (no spam though!) to, and I’ll include it in next week’s post! If you have burning sleeve questions that need to be addressed right away, or course, feel free to ask in this post’s comments. Thanks for all that you do, knitters! I am really looking forward to hearing from you!

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