Sedona Sunset Halfway Point

We’re almost halfway though the Sedona Sunset KAL, and knitters in the Knit Picks office are at wildly different places in their project! This is a long KAL that provides plenty of time to either take a steady pace or procrastinate a little and finish in the last couple of weeks. With only four balls of Chroma Worsted used, the wrap is faster to knit than you might imagine!

Janis, the inspiration for this KAL, is still in the lead with her wrap. She just completed her third ball of yarn and joined her fourth.

Kate is also on her fourth ball. Both Kate and Janis expect to finish long before the KAL ends.

Ranielle is at a similar point in her project, but she hasn’t joined her fourth ball of yarn yet.

Carlene is right on track with her second ball of yarn completed and third one started!

Jen hasn’t had as much knitting time as she’d like, so she’s still working on her second ball of yarn.

Michael is just about to start the second larger lace section.

Lee’s KAL project was put aside while she finished a summer top, but she managed to squeeze in a few more rows since our last check-in!

1 comment

  1. Annie-Lee B. Gomez / August 28, 2024

    Hi! I am also knitting KAL project, but, I think I am having problem interpreting the directions…could you help? On “work small lace increasing chart” when you say “first set once. Rep Set 17 times. Last Set once”…what do you mean by “first set once”? I am supposed to repeat 17 times the 18 rows, but, if I increasing and I repeating 17 times I won’t have 50 stitches…Am I explaining myself? ..I need help!!!