Winner of the “Wackiest Re-Use” contest is…

AmongTheRoses for her idea to make paper out of dryer lint!

AmongTheRoses had several really great entries for this contest, including:

Her son using bottle caps as “army guys,” and he stores them all in an old coffee can when not in use
She uses old pantyhose as shoe shiners
Her and her children saved cellophane candy wrappers to complete a “stained glass” project
And she uses any possible scrap paper, from holiday wrapping paper to shredded junk mail to pack up her moving boxes.

Even though a winner has been chosen, if you haven’t read through the thread of entries it is worth a read:

We could write a best selling book if we just compiled all the ideas and published it. Members of the Knitting Community shared dozens of amazing ideas of creative ways to re-use just about everything in their homes.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

AmongTheRoses will receive an organic gift basket including Knit Picks yarn and needles. <