Staff Project Roundup – Holiday Edition

Goodbye, 2017 holiday season! Now that the flurry of last-minute knits is over we thought we’d share some of the gifts we knit up here at the office for all the lovely people on our lists.

My knit list this year was top-to-bottom baby! My nephew just turned one and he’s definitely made a huge impact on my knitting queue. I made this cute polar bear hat using Natalia Kononova’s Baby Deer Pattern with Mighty Stitch Worsted Cream. Instead of going the adorable deer route, I used the ear piece from Loop London’s free Otso Bear stuffy pattern and made these cute little round ears. It fits him perfectly and actually stays on because of the ribbed chin strap. I would definitely recommend this pattern for people knitting for active kiddos! Natalia also has this super cute Bunny Ears Hat if you want something more along the lines of A Christmas Story this season.

This next project has been in my “almost finished” pile for over a year (very embarrassing). All I had to do was stuff him and sew up the tummy opening! This is the Harry Elefante pattern from Rebecca Danger’s Knit Superheroes! book. I held two strands of Preciosa Tonal Fingering in Stormy together to avoid pooling as much as possible. It totally worked! It’s a wonderfully written pattern and I really have no excuse for taking so long to finish it. It was the perfect delayed present for my nephew and I can’t wait to whip up a few of the other patterns to make a little menagerie for him.

Next up: Daniel! He knit himself a pair of oh-so-cozy Chunky Slippers in Chroma Twist Bulky Lakefront. I’ve knit two pairs (Weathervane and Sand Piper) and absolutely love mine, I’m sure his brand new pair will get tons of use in the next few months. This pattern is FREE and a perfect last-minute knit for anyone who hasn’t quite made it through their list yet (hint, hint!).

Free Chunky Slippers Pattern -

Meow-ccasin Slippers -

Jennifer knit a pair of the fabulous Meow-ccasins for her sister. Super easy to knit, these slippers are even easier to care for when they’re knit up in our machine-washable Might Stitch Bulky! This pattern comes in women’s small, medium and large sizes so you can customize them for almost anyone on your list.

Free 15th Street Wrap -

Both Daniel and Alexis knit 15th Street Wraps for themselves this season too! I love their alternate colorways. Above, the original colorway is top left, Daniel’s is top right (Wool of the Andes Bulky Superwash Aurora Heather, Indigo Heather, and Coal) and Alexis’ version is at the bottom (Wool of the Andes Bulky Superwash Bare, Coal, Cobblestone, Marble Heather, and Mineral Heather). the 15th Street Wraps is also a free pattern and is so customizable by choosing different colors to suit. It’s easy enough to change the stripes as well, Daniel’s wrap is a perfect example of a slightly different stripe sequence for a totally different vibe.

15th Street Wrap WIP -

Alexis even had enough yarn leftover from her wrap to knit up a smaller scarf in the same style! I love the idea of using your leftovers in another project! She’s almost done with her snazzy scarf, just in time for the next ice storm to sweep through town.

Now that the holidays are safely done with, do you have “selfish knits” in your queue as a sort of palate cleanser? Is this the time you traditionally turn to charity knits? Let us know what you’ve got planned for your next few months in the comments!


  1. EmilyVictoria / December 28, 2017

    I need to knit myself socks. All summer and fall long I was making things for my kids and niece. During that time they got slippers, a sweater each, a hat each, and mittens each. Now it’s time for MY stuff. I really have my sights set on some socks for myself and the Find Your Fade shawl. Then it’ll probably be spring sweaters for the children again.

  2. Kim Napier / December 28, 2017

    I love that wrap and the others were adorable. I am now putting the 15th street wrap on my to do list.