With the weather finally warming up here in the Pacific Northwest,
knitting lace have been on everyone’s mind here at the office. On a
recent trip, Kelley was fortunate enough to be sitting next to a fellow
knitter on the plane back to Portland. She got the opportunity to share
her love of knitting with her new knitting pal and Kelley recaps her
reasons to knit lace as well as why new knitters shouldn’t be afraid to
tackle lace projects. Next up, Kelley presents three different books on
lace – the first being The Very Easy Guide to Lace Knitting by Lynne Watterson, a perfect guide for knitters new to lace. For intermediate knitters looking to
take their lace knitting in a new direction, Kelley talks about The Art of Knitted Lace,
which features a stunning collection of garments that show off lace
patterns by a number of designers. As for experienced and
adventurous lace knitters, Kelley recommends Wrapped in Lace
by Margaret Stove – an beautiful collections of designs inspired by
Margaret’s life. Finally,this lace lovers podcast wraps up with a
“What’s On My Needles” segment where Kelley gives an update on her
Anniversary Shawl and highlights new projects on her needles.
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