Podcast 284: Fall is for Knitters

Each year there’s always a certain day when you notice it: the sunshine is softer, the breeze is fresher, the evening comes sooner, and you realize: Fall is coming. For many, this signals the end of Summer, triggering a burst of frenetic activity to squeeze as much as possible into the last sunny days. For knitters, this means activity of a different sort: getting ready for knitting season.

First, I talk with Hannah about our own start of the season rituals, with some suggestions for how to get the most out of yours. (Starting at 1:11)

After that, Alexis joins me to explore our newest yarn offering to start your Fall out right: that coveted caprine creation, Capretta Superwash. (Starting at 20:53)


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Mentioned in this episode:

Gleener Fuzz and Lint Remover

Cedar Blocks

Cedar Sachets

Capretta Superwash


Capretta Neons


Twisted Rib Cablemannia Socks

Puget Sound Socks

Caddington Wrap

Leaf Out Shawl