New Collection – Splendid Soles!

The newest member of our alliterative sock collections is the lovely Splendid Soles!

Splendid Soles sock pattern collection from

Joining Artful Arches and Toasty Toes, Splendid Soles is gorgeous collection featuring classic cable, delicate lace and fun textures. As the resident Knit Picks Sock Knitter, I’m in love with this collection and awed by the creativity of the amazing designers included. My needles are itching for so many of these patterns and I’m feeling a case of startitis coming on.

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May News: cozy cotton knits & crochet kits

“It’s gonna–be–May
Oh, yeah ♫”
– Justin Timberlake
Knit Picks May Launch
Ok. Those may not be the ACTUAL lyrics, but you catch my drift. It’s freakin’ MAY people!! We’re ready to sit in the sunshine, sip some iced tea, and make our summer project plans. Oh, and maybe sneak a road trip or two into the mix. What better project to take on the road than something small & compact, like a pair of fun textured socks? If you’re on the hunt for fresh new sock patterns, you’ll want to take a gander at one of our two newest collections, Splendid Soles.
Splendid Soles
Knit Picks Fontana SocksFontana Knee High Socks – knit in Stroll Tweed
While not the smallest project in the collection, nor the most warmweather friendly, I couldn’t help but to highlight my favorite pattern …

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Free Downloadable May 2018 Calendar

Happy May! I love the month of May – the sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and birds are singing, which makes the world feel like the winter doldrums have gone away for another year. Even if you’re stuck in front of your computer, we wanted to bring a bright bit of happiness to your day with our new May calendar!

Free Downloadable May 2018 Calendar from Knit Picks

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Eco-friendly Simply Yarns

“It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.”
Amelia Barr
Knit Picks Simply Wool Yarns
Oh, life. Why can’t you consist of endless cups of coffee and an abundance of yummy yarn? Oh, wait. You CAN. Enter our Simply Yarns: simplicity at it’s finest! It doesn’t get much purer than our Simply Wool, Alpaca, & Organic Cotton yarns. The colors that you see are just as nature intended them to be. These eco-friendly varieties offer a subtle spectrum of earthy colors and textures, perfect for adding some neutral foundation pieces to your wardrobe.
Simply Wool
Knit Picks Simply Wool Read more »

Take Our Survey!

Knit Picks survey
Got a spare 2 minutes? Want to help us improve our products and services? We want to hear from you! Take a super quick survey and you’ll be entered to win a Knit Picks gift card worth $100! Click here to begin taking the survey >> It’s quick & painless, we promise!

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Free Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth

“It’s much easier than I thought it would be.”
“Most things in knitting are, really.”

― Gil McNeil, The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club

Happy Friday! An I-Cord bindoff is something I absolutely love to do on cardigans bands – I think it gives them a nice professional look and hangs so nicely without curling. And a 2 color one looks fabulous on a colorful sweater! But if that technique looks a little scary and difficult, we have the perfect project to try it out on – the cute Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth.

Free Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth from

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Earth Day Inspiration

“Dear old world…You are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you.”
-Lucy Maud Montgomery

It seems a little trite to “celebrate” Earth one day out of the year. While I’d like to think of it more as an everyday conscientious kinda thing,  we might as well join in the festivities, albeit a day late, and take a little time to shed light on ways you can make your fiber related pursuits as earth-friendly as possible.

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