“Yarn Bombing”- what do you think?

We got an interesting call this week from a representative of a local park in Cape May, NJ.
Since late February, a team of mystery knitters has been “attacking” the park by attaching swatches of knitted fabric to trees and lamp posts. You may have seen the story on Facebook, Twitter, or Ravelry, CBS picked up the story so it got a lot of media attention. Most of the town’s residents like the guerrilla knitters and don’t mind the addition the park’s landscape.

If you haven’t seen photos of the park yet, you can see them on the CBS web site and get the whole story.

The caller told me they know the identities of the “knit bombers”, but have decided not to release them, but the mayor and the town are supporting the knitters. They wanted to know if we wanted to partner on some events and if we had recommendations for …

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Hypnotic Spirals!

I have a new design out! Introducing, the Tilt-a-Whirl Spiral Kit! (in Blue or Brown!)

Spiral knitting is a simple trick that produces jog-less stripes which twist and spiral up the piece like a barber pole! It can be worked on DPNs or circular needles, and in this project is used for socks, fingerless mitts, and a slouchy beret. I got to use some of my favorite colors of Stroll Hand Paints in this kit, and the resulting pieces are lightweight, fun to knit, and easy to wear.

Trying to name this kit was a challenge, but we all loved the fun colors so much, we decided to go with something that we had (mostly) fun memories of:

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Backyard Garden KAL and Contest

Spring is here! It’s a gorgeous sunny spring day in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is shining, my flowers in my garden are still alive (I have a black thumb). I’m not even wearing a coat today!

Speaking of flowers, have you seen our new spring kits that we introduced today? I’m excited about the Backyard Garden kit. I’m much better at knitting flowers than growing them, and these flowers will bloom all year! Kerin is both an amazing gardener and the designer of this kit, and all of the bugs and blooms in this kit are incredibly detailed and realistic looking. Each insect, leaf, or flower in this kit is quite small, only a few inches across, so you can knit a couple of them in an evening.

It was really fun to think of things to embellish with the Backyard Garden kit. Headbands, wreaths, magnets, crib mobiles, …

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Spring Yarn Party Event – 4/7/2010

We are throwing ourselves a little party in Portland to celebrate our new spring yarns – and you’re invited!

If you are in the Portland OR/Vancouver WA area on April 7th, please come join us at the Ecotrust building from 7-9 in downtown Portland!
We are going to have samples of our new yarns available to play with (so bring your needles & hooks!). All attendees will be entered in a raffle for fun Knit Picks’ products (new yarns, kits, needles sets) and, while we won’t be selling products at the event, the first 200 guests will receive a coupon good for 10% off of their next online yarn purchase. We are also going to have a panel discussion with local area designers, moderated by Kelley!
Plus you can meet all us crazy Knit Picks people in person!
It’s going to be a lot of fun & we hope to …

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Interview with Toni Carr

In my previous job life as a bookstore girl (where I lovingly took care of the knitting section), I remember when Toni Carr‘s book Knockdown Knits was released. I immediately snapped it up – it was so much fun to read & such great projects, even for those who aren’t roller girls like Toni. (With my incredible clumsiness, I would be a danger to myself & to others!)
Imagine my delight when I started working on IDP and discovered that Toni was already a part of it! Of course I had to do an interview!
How long have you been knitting? I started seriously knitting about 9 years ago.
What motivated you to learn to knit?
In all honesty, my Grandmother lived all by herself, way out in the country. I knew she was lonely and could use some company, but the fact that she is deaf caused a communication …

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A wild hair

Since hubby and I have spent so many chilly mornings out on the lake
recently, I had considered that maybe I should get him a nice sweater to
wear under his jacket as another layer. And then I thought, DUH, I
knit! I’ll just make him one!

As it turns out, I’d bought yarn
to make him a sweater several years ago, and never got around to it.
Why? Because he’s a lot bigger than me, and that is just a ton of
knitting. At the time, I was still riding public transit, so lugging a
big sweater around would have been quite a challenge. But now that I
have my mobile S.T.A.S.H. Acquisition Unit (aka my car :)) I’m ready to
tackle the challenge.

So, last Monday, I looked at what I had:
26 100-gram balls of bulky weight yarn. I swatched, got a gauge I liked,
and cast on. Last night, I made it up to the armscyes!

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My top picks for Felici

Yay I can finally buy some Felici!

I’ve been eagerly awaiting this for several
months–back when we first saw the colorways for this yarn, I think
every knitter in the office made a mental shopping list. And then we had
to wait, and wait, and wait–but finally it’s here and I think it looks
AMAZING in person. These are my favorite colors of Felici yet!

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Love Stroll Tonals, but not so into socks?

While I can’t say that I’m in the camp of non-obsessive sock
knitting, I know it’s not for everybody! But, with such wonderful
colors, Stroll Tonal
is pretty universally appealing whether you like socks or not. So, if
not socks, what do you do with it? Well, I’ve got a few ideas!

I have to say that our IDP
designers have done a bang-up job of showcasing our yarns to their best
advantage. And there are a lot of patterns that would look awesome in Stroll Tonals!
Here are a few:

by Snowden Becker

I can imagine
this in the “Gypsy” colorway of Stroll Tonal
with Black Stroll as the
accent. Very elegant!

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