

It should come as no surprise that I am dedicating one blog post to the getting ready to dye and knit my two sock blanks. It’s all about The Process, baby!

Let’s start with the inspiration!


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Sock modeling is a tough job…

In addition to some new marketing projects, I’ve also added sock model to my resume since I started working at Knit Picks.

thought sock modeling sounded like a pretty cushy job. I mean, all you
have to do is sit around and wear some socks and let someone take a
picture of your feet, right? Little did I know…

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Can’t pull the wool over your eyes!! Alright, I am so excited about this project that I have become slap-happy.

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We’re hosting a dye-along, and you’re invited!

For the month of May, Knit Picks staffers are taking the plunge and experimenting with a variety of dyeing techniques.

Kelley and Kerin are both experienced dyers, they’re going to show you some techniques for using Jacquard Acid Dyes.
Nina (another dyeing pro!), Marci, Amy, and I are dyeing sock blanks
with food coloring and Kool-Aid. Kate and Christina are trying out our Indigo Dye Kit, and Alison and Sarah, one of our photographers, are experimenting with natural dyes like beets!

you’ve ever thought about dyeing yarn, but you’ve been hesitating, now
is a great time to give it a try. We sell a variety of ready-to-dye Bare yarn in different weights and fiber blends and we sell dye. We’ve also added 6 new dyeing tutorials covering everything from dyeing yarn in a crockpot to tea dyeing to help you get started, and we’re hosting a Dye-Along in the Knitting Community where you can ask questions and get advice.

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Designer Interviews for New March Kits

Your March catalogs should be arriving any day now, and hopefully you have noticed new kits that Kerin and Nina have designed.

We have created designer interviews about each of the kits to tell you a little more about the behind the scene stories, details, and inspirations for these kits. If you have any kit related questions, leave a comment and we can help you out!

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Domo Arigato!!!

I love my job so much! Introducing, my favorite kit, ever:

Seriously, how could I not be totally thrilled when my boss lady says, “Knitted robots are a great idea, you should get right on that”?
I’ve never been so happy with something I designed as I am with these little guys. There’s usually many elements of surprise in the design process, where something looks just a bit different from how I pictured it, but once I had the pattern for these robots on paper, they came to life just as i was hoping they would.
Shall I introduce you? From left to right they are Oscillatrix, Mr. T and Squatty, named by our very own NoKnitSherlock, who knit the samples pictured here. Honestly, I’m impressed that she was able to part with them once they were finished! I love that each one is different and unique, that they …

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Comfy Yarn can do no wrong

I finished the scarf I was making for my very good friend Andrea. As you probably guessed by the title of this post, I used Comfy Worsted Yarn in Cypress. The pattern is a free pattern from Ravelry, you can find it here. This pattern is really fun to make and takes no time at all. I used about 1 1/2 balls of Comfy–it’s just a matter of how long you want your scarf to be.

You’ll see in the photos of others who have made this pattern that they often use multi-colored yarn–it would be really good in our Stroll Multi Sock yarn I think.

My friend loved it by the way. She’s one of those super fashionable women who wears a scarf every day as part of every outfit–thus using cotton so she doesn’t get too warm.

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Preview of Stroll Tonal

You’ve probably heard the podcast of the spring yarn preview, so I thought I would give a little more background into the Stroll and Shadow Tonals. When Tina asked me to design the colorways of these yarns, I thought it was a great idea. Because the Tonals are hand painted, we have exact control over just how variegated the yarn is–something that we could never quite achieve with the old kettle dyed yarn. My goal was to take what we loved about the kettle dyed colors and make them even better–adding more variation of shade and hue, and coming up with completely new colorways as well. The name “tonal” is one I brought in from my fabric background. In the quilting world, a tonal fabric is one that has a similar color printed on a background color, so that the over all effect is more interesting than just a solid. …

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