Winner of the “Wackiest Re-Use” contest is…

AmongTheRoses for her idea to make paper out of dryer lint!
AmongTheRoses had several really great entries for this contest, including:
Her son using bottle caps as “army guys,” and he stores them all in an old coffee can when not in use
She uses old pantyhose as shoe shiners
Her and her children saved cellophane candy wrappers to complete a “stained glass” project
And she uses any possible scrap paper, from holiday wrapping paper to shredded junk mail to pack up her moving boxes.
Even though a winner has been chosen, if you haven’t read through the thread of entries it is worth a read:
We could write a best selling book if we just compiled all the ideas and published it. Members of the Knitting Community shared dozens of amazing ideas of creative ways to re-use just about everything in their homes.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
AmongTheRoses will receive an organic gift basket including Knit Picks …

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Mr. Foster Halloween costume contest!

Mr. Foster likes to plan ahead. It’s only July, but he’s already wondering what he should wear for Halloween this year.
He thought you guys might be willing to help him out. So here’s your mission from Knit Picks and Mr. F, if you choose to accept it-
1. Create a handmade Halloween costume for Mr. Foster using yarn or fabric. Store bought accessories are okay. You are allowed to base your costume on an existing Mr. Foster ensemble, you can get those patterns here for only $4.99 if you don’t already have them (the monkey pattern is included too).
2. E-mail a photo of your creation to before August 31st.
3. Help Mr. Foster pick a winner. In early September, we’ll post our favorites, and you can vote for the winner.
4. Check back October 1st when the winner will be announced. We’ll also post a …

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Just in time for summer! (hehe)

At long last, the Calluna sweater pattern is available!

Well, you may not have been waiting for it, but I have! We had hoped to release this pattern when City Tweed was first launched, but when we realized that all of you intrepid knitters would end up finishing the sweater in the summer, we decided to push it back a little. This sweater is perfect for fall – so now is a great time to start! Yes, I know, knitting alpaca in the summertime sounds crazy, but the heavy worsted City Tweed knits up so fast, you won’t even have time to break a sweat.
When I started thinking about a great use for City Tweed, I couldn’t help but love the way it shows texture. I really wanted a textured sweater – cables, ribbing, knit and purl patterns – I couldn’t decide! So, I took a …

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At the Starting Line!

My first day of the Tour de Fleece has started! I won’t begin spinning until after dinner since we are having family over for the day. But, a bit of spinning will be perfect while we wait for it to get dark enough to watch fireworks from our back deck.
I will be knitting chocolate brown roving with orange, turqoise, lime green and dark green roving drafted with the brown. I’m excited to see the result! <

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I should have listened to Kelley (AGAIN!)

I thought I’d learned my lesson ages ago when I knit the ugly watersock/slipper (remember that?). When it comes to knitting, I should listen to Kelley. Or I could have listened to Marci or Tina or Brett or any of the other many people who tried to tell me the body of my sweater was much too big. But I knit on. I had rationalizations. I had gauge. I could always steek a little extra if it was a tiny bit big. I had already cast on 3 times, and I was NOT doing it again.
I finally had to face the truth at craft night last week when Kelley staged an intervention and insisted I try on my knitting.
It was 16 inches too big.

Kelley ripped it out and did the cast on for me. I think she and …

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Knitting circa 1880

Even when I’m on vacation, I can’t escape knitting!
While enjoying the Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho this last week, I camped near the abandoned gold mining town of Custer – which was relatively prosperous from 1880 til the turn of the century. The town has been converted into a sort of outdoor museum courtesy of the Forest Service and they’ve preserved some of the lifestyle and artifacts that those gold miners experienced.
In one of the miner’s homes, they talked about the knitting and crocheting that the miner’s wives made. Sadly, they weren’t using Knit Picks Options needles. 🙂


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Sneak Peek: Palette Colors

You may have seen the video of the new Palette colors coming into the office and Kerin hording all the new pinks…

I thought I would show you a photo I took of my desk, which has ALL the Palette colors (new and current) arranged in color order. I was swatching some book project recolors for the November catalog, and it was a lot easier to see them all laid out like this. Good thing I have a big desk!

(Click photo for a bigger view.)
Aren’t they fabulous? I am thrilled about all the new colors we added to the line. It really feels complete. Kerin and I both love Palette and colorwork knitting so much that we’re going to be hosting a knitalong starting in August. I have a lot of ideas about what I’d like to do for …

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Another UFO Bites the Dust (in a good way)

Finally finished with my second Positano Tote! I had terrible procrastinationitis about the lining, but finally just made myself do it this weekend. I brought it to work today, full of all my normal purse stuff plus my newest knitting project (photo below). I love that it stands up by itself and holds so much.
Pattern: Positano Tote from Interweave Knits, Winter 2008 issue
Yarn: Wool of the Andes in Avocado, double stranded
Needles: US7 and US9, 32″ circulars so I could knit both the front and back at the same time

My newest project – in Gloss DK! (And, yeah, those are the new Zephyr Options needles too!) I already love knitting with this yarn – so silky and shiny. I’m really excited to see how it does in argyle stranded knitting.
Pattern: Nederland Vest from KnitScene, Fall 2008 issue
Yarn: Gloss DK (not up on our site yet, …

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Coming up to the finish line

I finished the sleeves for my Oblique, finally!

I blocked the fronts and backs already and I’m hoping that these sleeves take only a day to dry, because I have another flight this weekend and I want to use that time for seaming, collar and button bands!
I always wet block my sweater pieces with a towel, and this time, the lace pattern left an impression on the towel, sort of like a fossil sleeve:

Pretty neat! <

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