Just like nearly every knitter I know, I was thrilled when
inventive knitters began to find ingenious ways to use the flexibility
of circular needles to use instead of double pointed needles (DPNs).
For a while, I used only two circular needles or one long circular
needle (Magic Loop Method) whenever I knit something with a small
circumference – socks, mittens or hats. Now I’ve gotten so that I choose
between my options depending on what I’m knitting.
As you know, I just finished my Tic Tac Toe Socks.
I always overcompensate when it comes to making sure I won’t run out of
yarn for a project. I ran out of yarn when I was first learning how to
knit. On a Pi Shawl, no less. I was traumatized! Now I always end up
with leftover yarn. I had a skein and most of a ball of Gloss to use for