Do you knit lace? Personally, it terrifies me. I’ve tried it a few times, but between the intricate charts and constant yarn-overs, I get very confused, make mistakes, and often end of ripping my whole project back to the beginning, where I sit baffled at how anyone actually does this. I like lace in small doses: a panel here and there to complement the rest of a (simple) knitted project. I’m working my way up to Estonian shawls in very small increments, and when I look at books about lace, I dare myself to go forward, “lifelines” in hand. Here are five books from the Knit Picks shelves I love to page through. You might enjoy them, too! At 40% off in our current book sale, why not pick one up and cast-on (or dream, like me, of casting on). Our book sale is on, for only a bit longer!
“Lace Yarn Studio” is a fun book with a collection of patterns from varied designers. From smaller projects to larger sweaters, you can work your way up to complicated projects and learn a bit more about lace yarn, in the process!
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