Hello, Little Bubbles, and the Comfy KAL!

We’re all excited about the release of our Little Bubbles Baby Set , but I think I’m a little bit extra excited, because this was my first big design project here at Knit Picks, and I’ve been holding my tongue about it until now! But I finally can talk about it, and as this little movie will show, once given the opportunity, I talked, and talked and talked.

And the amazing thing is; I have even more, that I forgot to say! Like, that the sweater patterns come with two sleeve options! And, how cool would it be to knit the pattern for an older child (or an adult!) in Comfy worsted? I can’t believe I forgot to say all this stuff!? But, that’s what the knitalongs are for, right? For more Little Bubbles and Comfy chatter, check out the Comfy KAL, just started today!

See you there! <