I work for a yarn company, but I can’t stand most wool. While it would be a stretch to dub me a Barbie (my preferred outfit is sweatpants and I don’t even own a brush), I am known around the office for my fastidious skin. Even the thought of wool makes it itch.
Thankfully, we carry a wool yarn that is kind enough even for my royal skin, and it was recently kitted into a stunning cowl. My co worker Jenny penned a clever little haiku in honor of the grand event:
Double crochet cowl,
you are even soft enough
for Princess Heidi
And here is the kit (not on me .. I gave up modeling a long time ago): It’s long and luxurious. It’s great for layering during any season.
Gorgeous color palette #1 Look at that shine. Fit for a princess.
You can wear it long or wrap it a few times for extra warmth. (Especially appropriate for looking out a dreamy beach house window.)
Gorgeous color palette #2: The very best part about this pattern by Tara Schreyer is that the chart fits onto half a page, with a simple medley of chain, double crochet and single crochet stitches. As you might know, princesses don’t have time for anything much more complicated than that!
To end on an irrelevant note, the term ‘cowl’ originally referenced the hood or hooded robe worn by monks. Flowing and unconstrained monastic garb fits neatly within my sweatpant lifestyle, so it is now my unrealistic dream to concoct a crochet monastic robe pattern. Stay tuned!