With our holiday gift crafting winding down (except for me – I’m always behind so all my gifts are late!), we’re turning our thoughts to 2017 and what our goals are for the new year! So we got together and came up with our personal crafting resolutions!

Alison, Director of Knit Picks
I want to finish some long-term WIPs that I love but just never get to. One example is the Brooklyn Tweed Corvid sweater – I started it last March using Wool of the Andes Tweed and only have the sleeves and front bands left. If I hustle I may be able to wear it before this cold weather is over!

Stacey, Outreach Director
In 2017 I want to finish a sweater! I used to knit sweaters all the time but I haven’t in at least 2 years. I seem to have fallen into a small projects only mode and I currently have several sweaters languishing in different states of finishing. My wonderful coworkers seem to constantly be bringing in new sweaters to show off and I’m jealous. It also doesn’t hurt I’m constantly cold & need more woolly goodness wrapped around me!

Hannah, Catalog Director
Learn Brioche! I simply haven’t been able to wrap my brain around this stitch for some reason and now it just seems silly to not tackle it. 2017 will definitely be known as the Great Briochening!

Heidi, Art Director
Knit an adult sized sweater for me (the babies have enough sweaters!), crochet a throw for my bed, and knit a fair isle baby sweater (babies can never have too many sweaters).

Emily, Graphic Designer
Finish what I start! My pile of WiPs keeps getting bigger and bigger these days.

Alexis, Merchandise Planner
My Crafting Resolutions for 2017 are: To learn to quick can foods; learn to crochet; and learn at least two new knitting techniques. Hold me to it Knit Picks fans!

Jennifer, Marketing Director
I want to learn to crochet so I can make quick blankets. And I’d like to try knitting a sweater...

Daniel, Administrative Assistant
Finish my sweater!
Finally make some socks.
Give colorwork another chance: traditional stranded mittens, maybe some intarsia pillows. . .
Find and take a class on book binding..
So those are our resolutions for 2017 – what are yours? Share in the comments below!