A Knit-A-Long I’ve wanted to do for a long time!

Today I started a KAL for a steeked cardigan called the Classic Lines Cardigan. It has many elements of sweater design that I love. Things that will help you become confident planning your own sweaters in the future.

I spent most of my weekend finishing off the details for the KAL launch. So, I didn’t do any spinning. That turned out just fine because my order from Crown Mountain Farms arrived today. I can return the roving I “took” from Alison and work from my own stash of chocolate brown Corriedale roving.

But, I’m so excited about the KAL that I probably won’t be doing much spinning for the next few weeks. I haven’t made the sweater yet so we will all be having a good time together as we each make our own colorful cardigan. <