A different type of Chemo Hat

A “net friend” is coming to Portland for the Sock Summit in August. She has breast cancer and has been undergoing chemo therapy. I wanted to knit something quick for her as a Welcome gift.

In Knitting To Share by Gerard Allt I found a pattern for an Angel of Beauty scarf for Bad Hair Days. Well, I think it would also work well for No Hair Days or Hair Growing Back Days.

The thing to keep in mind when knitting a chemo hat or scarf is that the treatment makes the scalp very sensitive. You need to use super soft yarn. I decided to double strand Shimmer – Shallows. I double checked with my friend and wasn’t surprised that she thought the color would look good on her.

The other issue is the style of the hat or scarf. When you are sick you are not at your best and anything that can help you look good is appreciated. I like the idea of this scarf because it can be worn in several different ways. Even as a regular scarf tied around your neck. I would love to have a couple to pack when I travel.

My friend and I agreed to leave off the beading because that could be irritating. But, when I knit one for myself, I think I would enjoy the “drama” of the beads so I will find some to knit into my own Angel of Beauty scarf. I walked the course on Sunday morning while Bob played a round of golf. I find that I much prefer to walk and knit than actually play golf. Anyway, I knit about half of my friend’s scarf so I should be able to finish it by August 6th!

If you want to hear more about Knitting To Share, I reviewed it in my Knit Picks Podcast, Episode 99. <