Wristlets and hat–a Thanksgiving present

My family has decided not to exchange Christmas gifts this year, it lowers stress and credit card bills and instead we’ll all go for a hike and have a great meal together on Christmas day.

Well, that doesn’t stop me from knitting. Since my Mom taught me, I think she deserves a little something from time to time so I’m going to give this set to her this weekend.

The yarn is Swish DK in Hollyberry and Egglant.

It is the first time I’ve worked with Swish and I really, really loved it. It’s just so soft. I can see why people use it for baby blankets. I’m looking forward to trying something with Swish bulky soon.

The hat is just a basic 2 x 2 ribbed hat, I cast on 88 stitches and decreased after 6 inches.

The fingerless gloves are from here:
http://lifeincleveland.blogspot.com/2008/03/mmmalabrigo-glovies.html <