Tag Archives: Sedona Sunset KAL

Sedona Sunset Halfway Point

We’re almost halfway though the Sedona Sunset KAL, and knitters in the Knit Picks office are at wildly different places in their project! This is a long KAL that provides plenty of time to either take a steady pace or procrastinate a little and finish in the last couple of weeks. With only four balls of Chroma Worsted used, the wrap is faster to knit than you might imagine!

Janis, the inspiration for this KAL, is still in the lead with her wrap. She just completed her third ball of yarn and joined her fourth.

Kate is also on her fourth ball. Both Kate and Janis expect to finish long before the KAL ends.

Ranielle is at a similar point in her project, but she hasn’t joined her fourth ball of yarn yet.

Carlene is right on track with her second ball of yarn completed and third one started!

Jen hasn’t had as much knitting time as she’d like, so she’s still working on her second ball of yarn.

Michael is just about to start the second larger lace section.

Lee’s KAL project was put aside while she finished a summer top, but she managed to squeeze in a few more rows since our last check-in!

Sedona Sunset KAL Progress

We’re almost a quarter into our Sedona Sunset KAL, and everyone’s projects are coming along nicely! Some knitters are taking a steadier pace, and some a speeding along.

Janis is giving her project plenty of attention and is close to halfway done.

Kate’s wrap is also working up quickly!

Lee’s planning to use multiple Chroma Worsted colorways, and she just transitioned to her third color. She’s also making her piece extra wide because she’s adapting it into a boxy top!

Carlene just joined her second ball of yarn.

Ranielle is almost done with her first ball of yarn, which is right on track for our steady pace.

Michael’s cool blues are looking good on matching needles!

Stacey is always multitasking with tons of WIPs on her needles, including secret ones for work, so her wrap is still in its early stages.

How is your own project coming along?

How to Work a Sl-K3-PSSO

As the Sedona Sunset KAL gets started, we wanted to take a closer look at a special stitch featured on the wrap that might not feel as familiar as the other stitches. A Sl-K3-PSSO is used to add texture and interest, and it’s a brand new stitch for a few of our KAL participants in the office. Here’s how to do it!

The Sl-K3-PSSO is worked over four stitches. In the swatch shown, the lace from the Sedona Sunset Wrap has already been established. A Sl-K3-PSSO row was knit four rows down from the current row to show how the stitches will stack up on a Sedona Sunset Wrap.

Slip one stitch knitwise with the yarn held to the back.

Carry the yarn across the back of the slipped stitch and knit three stitches from the left needle.

Using the tip of the left needle, lift the slipped stitch. It will be the fourth stitch from the tip of the right needle. Pass it over the three knit stitches.

Drop the slipped stitch off the needles, so it’s now wrapping the three knit stitches. That’s it! We’ve worked one Sl-K3-PSSO and decreased one stitch.

On the row following one with an Sl-K3-PSSO, the Sedona Sunset Wrap has YOs worked everywhere a stitch was slipped and passed. In addition to adding an eyelet, this YO acts as an increase to balance the stitch that was decreased as part of the Sl-K3-PSSO.

\It’s truly that simple, but beware of how the Sl-K3-PSSO temporarily changes your stitch count on the Sedona Sunset Wrap! The rows with Sl-K3-PSSO will not match the stitch count given for a section. We recommend waiting at least until the row after a Sl-K3-PSSO row to check your work, or use the next plain row.

Sedona Sunset Wrap KAL Begins + Resources

Today is the first day of our Sedona Sunset KAL, which means today’s the day to cast on! The KAL runs through June and July,  so to stay on track, we recommend aiming to take about 15 days per ball of Chroma. That will guarantee completing knitting your wrap by July 31st, and with only a handful of ends to weave in, very little time is needed for finishing. 

Working on according to the suggested schedule is a slow, steady pace, but many of our KAL participants in the office started zooming through the first section of shaping. The Sedona Sunset Wrap grows quickly once cast on!

Sedona Sunset Wrap Resources 

Choosing Colors for Sedona Sunset

We’ve chosen our yarns for the Sedona Sunset Wrap KAL, and for the first time ever, everyone participating in the KAL picked the suggested yarn! The whole office is knitting with Chroma Worsted, and the majority plan to knit the wrap exactly as written.

Stacey chose the What’s Kraken colorway in beautiful blues and grays.

Jen picked out Fall Favorite, with rich autumnal shades.

Ranielle will be using Best Friends, a colorway inspired by Frog and Toad.

A fan of everything spooky, Kate chose All Hallows for her wrap.

Janis picked a colorway that’s as cheerful as she is: Mocktail!

Carlene will be making the sweetest wrap by using the colorway Ice Lolly.

This will be Rebecca’s first time joining us for a KAL, and she picked out the Sea Anemone colorway.

Michael shook things up and chose from the older colorways of Chroma Worsted for her wrap. She will be using Surf’s Up, which is still available but going quickly!

A finally, we have Lee’s colors! She’s planning to use three different colorways together and altering the pattern. She says, “I’m starting with Mocktail, then I’ll transition at the oranges seamlessly to Beatrix, then I’ll transition again at the oranges to Solar Storm, then back to Mocktail. I’m turning the pattern into a pullover sweater so I’ll make one panel for the front then another for the back, then join and add sleeves for a boxy drop-shoulder fit.”

Have you chosen your own KAL colors? Let us know in the comments!

Join the Sedona Sunset Wrap KAL!

We had so much fun knitting wraps for last summer’s Ice Fire Wrap KAL that we knew we wanted to knit another wrap this summer, and our popular, free Sedona Sunset Wrap pattern by Jenny Williams was the obvious choice to go along with all of our new colors of Chroma Worsted! Just like with last summer’s KAL, we’re taking this slow and steady and knitting our wraps over two months. 

Just the Details

What: Knit the Sedona Sunset Wrap along with us

When: June 1st – July 31st 2024

With: 792 yds of Chroma Worsted, Chroma Twist Worsted, or your favorite worsted weight yarn

Skills to Know: CO, BO, knit, purl, YO, M1 SSK, K2Tog, slipping stitches, and passing over

Why: To make a joyful wrap with others

Although the pattern was originally designed in Chroma Twist Worsted, Chroma Worsted works equally well, and we created a beautiful new sample using Chroma Worsted in new colorway Beatrix! That’s the yarn we’re recommending for the KAL so you have the most color options.

The Sedona Sunset Wrap is knit from corner to corner with eyelets and a simple lace stitch. Once you reach the Mid Section, the length can be customized by adding extra repeats of that section, but plan ahead if you’d like a longer wrap because you’ll need extra yarn.

If you’re just beyond beginning knitting, this is a great pattern to dip into knitting lace and eyelets. There are plenty of simple rows in between the rows of decorative stitches, so if you can work all of the stitches in the Skills to Know list, this pattern is great for putting those skills to use on a simple shape. If you’re a more experienced knitter, we know you’ll love this relaxing knit that allows you to watch the colors of Chroma unfold, with more interesting lace rows peppered in the mix.

Choose your colors and join us! To participate, all you need to do is download the pattern, pick out your yarn, and cast on with us on June 1st. We’ll post regularly here as well as sharing our progress on FaceBook, where you’ll have space to share your own WIPs.