First Light Giveaway – The Winners!

Hi folks—first, thanks to everyone that participated in the First Light book giveaway! Congratulations to Doris Kidd, Heather Korb and Sarah Bacik, our randomly selected winners. Here’s are their favorites amongst the First Light patterns:

“Loving the the Tule sweater. Debating what color to do it in . . . So many choices.” – Heather

“I love the Infinity Cardi. I would love to make it this spring.” – Sarah

“I love the Infinity Cardi…intriguing construction always is fun.” – Doris

If you didn’t win this time, never fear: We will continue to do giveaways as often as possible! Have a great Wednesday.

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First Light Giveaway!

Contest is now closed – We’ll be announcing the winners soon!


We’re all terrifically excited about First Light here. In fact, it’s a first for us: 14 gorgeous patterns by 12 different designers—all coming together for varied-yet-harmonious collection. You can download individual patterns for $4.99 or score the whole lot in the printed book version for just $19.99. The best part? Each printed book also comes with a free PDF-version of the book—perfect for throwing on your laptop or tablet for on-the-go continued crafting.

But first, try your luck at a contest!

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Jury Duty Pullover

I just can’t get over HOW SOFT THIS YARN IS! I’ve been looking forward
to our very first shipment of our brand new yarn, Billow, since the day
we decided to add it to our lineup for 2013. I love the soft, luscious
color palette, the wonderfully tactile thick-and-thin strand and… did I
mention the color palette?!

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Harmonious colors in Fia

If you’ve been intrigued by the Celtic motifs of the Fia Pullover but aren’t so keen on green, here are a few more suggestions of colors that would work well for this pattern!

looks best in two colors of the same family: two pinks, two blues, two
greys, and so on. The most important thing to look for is a difference
in value – how different the colors are in brightness. Choose the
‘background’ color first, which in the case of Fia is the darker color.
From there, compare colors in the same family that are a lighter version
(check out the great color descriptions with each one!). Colors that
are only a touch different, like Delta and Whirlpool for instance, won’t
contrast enough with each other to show detail. But if you like Delta,
Sky and Clarity are in the same family and would make a better match.

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The Ultimate Billow Blanket

When our latest yarn Billow first arrived to the office, I was in the same boat as all of my crafty coworkers: completely head-over-heals, need to have it in my life, in love with this yarn. Unfortunately, this caused me great anxiety as I am very much a one-at-a-time project kind of gal – but Billow was just so tempting! Considering I was going to break my “one project” rule for Billow (I have an in progress cowl on the needles), I methodically rummaged through my books and patterns looking for the perfect project.

my ultimate billow blanket, nestled nicely on top of my couch

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Super Snuggly Cowls

As with everyone else in the office, I ooo’d & aww’d over Billow.  The colors were beautiful and it’s so so soft! But when it came time for me to choose a project – I was stumped.  My coworkers were hard at work on blankets and sweaters but I wanted something smaller that I could keep next to my skin at all times – so cowls seemed to be the most obvious choice!

I opted to finally do the famous GAP-tastic Cowl – it’s been something in my queue for a very long time.  I chose my favorite color of Billow – Spearmint – and got to work.

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Podcast Episode 208: New Spring Pattern Collections & Yarn

The anticipation of spring can only mean one thing – new
yarn and new pattern collections! It’s been a bundle of excitement here
at Knit Picks, and Stacey chats with Jenny about all of the wonderful
new things that are lined up for this month.

First up is Billow, the
newest member of the Knit Picks yarn family. Jenny and Stacey chat about
Billow, our new bulky cotton yarn, and share staff projects as well as
inspiration ideas for this delightfully soft yarn.
Next up is First
Light – the first ever pattern collection from Knit Picks! Inspired by beautiful and unexpected balances, this amazing collection brings
together 14 patterns from 12 independant designers. Stacey talks about the development
process of First Light and gives an overview of the included projects.

Finally, there are two stunning new collections from independant
designers: Vintage-Inspired Baseball Knits by Allyson Dykhuizen and
Winsome Knits by Alexis Winslow. Hear all about …

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The Cowl That Took a Year to Make

Billow Cowl

It took me a year, but I finally did it. I learned how to crochet. It’s been twelve months now that I’ve weekly been immersed in yarn, needles, patterns and talk of gauge size working here at Knit Picks. As an art director and a staunch fan of the Industrial Revolution, though, I never saw the need to create my own garments and accessories. Whatever would the machines do with their time if I did?

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