Knit Picks and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

You’ve seen it all over your Facebook feeds and the news.  Celebrities, sports figures and everyday people are taking part.  It’s the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – where you are  challenged to make a donation to and post a video dumping a bucket of ice water over your head.  It seemed so silly at first, but has gained in momentum and the last total I saw was 90+ million dollars raised to fight ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig disease).

This week, Knit Picks and the rest of the Crafts Americana team at the Vancouver WA office were happy to take part, as ALS has affected members of our families.  We made a donation for everyone who took part (22 staff members), along with personal donations.  And here are the results!

It was a lot of fun (lucky for us, it was one of our 90 degree days out!) and we were glad to do it.  We challenge you to take part and link your video in the comments!

And since many of you know I’m a baseball nut, I thought I’d share Lou Gehrig’s “Luckiest Man” speech from July 4, 1939 – much of the original speech footage is unavailable (that’s why there are current baseball players reading parts of it) but it makes me cry every time – especially since he died from ALS less than 2 years later.

Make a donation here (with or without dumping ice water over your head):

ALS Association