Kettle Dyes to the rescue!

I’ve gotten out of my solid-color-pullover slump, but now I’ve fallen down the cardigan-with-patterned-yoke rabbit hole. I got a copy of Norah Gaughan’s Knitting Nature, and it has a pattern for a sweater coat with a colorwork yoke done in a fractal pattern. Here’s the image from the book:

I’m making a bunch of adjustments, though. I’m just going to make a standard-length cardigan, instead of a full-length coat, and I’m converting the pattern to knitting in the round so that I don’t have to do purled colorwork on the yoke. I’m also substituting yarn, since the original yarn (Reynolds Odyssey) is a little too spendy for me.

The body is Wool of the Andes Kettle Dye in Timber, and then I’m going to do the yoke background in Auburn with the fractal pattern in Oak. One warning: I did alternate between two balls of Timber Kettle Dye on the body to make sure that the colors blended well and that I didn’t get any weird pooling.

I’ll have to steek the front, which is a little intimidating, but we’ve been working on a bunch of videos on different steeking techniques that will be added to the Tutorials section pretty soon. <