The holidays are so close, I can practically taste them! Each day another door on my daughter’s advent calendar is opened in gleeful anticipation while I spend my day trying to conceive another nightly bout of elf on the shelf shenanigans. Everything in my kitchen is coated in cinnamon and powdered sugar, and Wham!’s Last Christmas is playing on an endless loop in my living room. Throughout all of the holiday hubbub, there is one constant source of respite and relaxation that I cling to: sitting & knitting. In the spirit of handmade holidays, I bring to you a whirlwind round up of some of my favorite holiday patterns!
These projects are quick knits, meaning you can finish them by the time Kris Kringle moseys into town.

Santa’s Hat knit in Swish Bulky and Fable Fur
Arctic Attire Ornaments knit in Palette

Naughty or Nice Gift Card Holders knit in Palette

Candy Cane Draft Stopper knit in Wool of the Andes
Want to get a head start on next year’s festive décor? These projects require a bit more time, but are SO worth it.

The Reindeer Pillow knit in Wool of the Andes
The Santa Pillow knit in Wool of the Andes
Snowflake Blanket knit in Swish Worsted

Main Attraction Stockings – Striped stocking is knit in Wool of the Andes Superwash Bulky; Colorwork stocking is knit in Palette
Townscape Pillow knit in Mighty Stitch
Happy handmade holidays!