Recently, during a meeting at the office the Knit Picks team realized that each and every one of us at, one moment or another has had an “AH HAH!” moment when we realized we were “doing something wrong!” A defining moment in every knitter’s craft, there comes a time when you embrace a craft quirk that’s special to you, or learn another way of doing something.
Stay tuned to hear about Twisted stitches, struggling to join in the round or swapping garter stitch for stockinette in a project. Also, we talk about whether we change how we’re doing something or just roll with it and call it a “design feature” rather than a flaw! There really isn’t a wrong way to knit if you enjoy the process and enjoy the product.
We love these little moments and would love to hear some of yours! If you’ve got a good “ah hah!” moment from your crafty past that you’d like to share, give us a call and leave a voicemail at 360-334-4847. We’ll be checking our voicemail often and might be using your messages in future podcast episodes! You can also record a Voice Memo on your phone and send that audio file to podcast@knitpicks.com.
In the meantime, as always… happy knitting.
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0:00 Introduction
1:24 Stacey and Morgan
7:42 SIMS!
8:11 Hannah, Gerda and Hillary
14:57 Want to knit a scarf?
15:35 Lee and Erica
25:47 Credits