Do you like to knit and crochet cute things? Do you love stuffed animals with lots of personality or hats that illicit an, “Awwww…” from everyone who sees them? We’re looking for interesting stories of cute things, handmade. What did you make, and what did you do with it? Did you ever make anything you thought was cute, only to have others think it was not so charming? Email your stories to and if you’re included in our next podcast, you’ll receive a free charm pack of our favorite Knit Picks yarns. Email now!
AJ / May 19, 2015
January 2015, i decided to knit up another winter hat (intarsia) with wool scraps. The main color is black with brightly colored wool in various patterns. When I posted it to a Facebook group, the members loved it!
Lori / May 14, 2015
Just a couple of weeks ago, I crocheted a little bunny amigurumi for my 16 year old daughter from the book Edward’s Menagerie by Kerry Lord…she absolutely loved it and wants a bat next! My younger sisters want an owl and a penguin from me for Christmas…luckily, I found both patterns for free on Pinterest!
Cheryl Stasis / May 12, 2015
The cutest patterns ever are Debbie Radtke’s knit &felt tiy patterns. I have made the huggable hedgehog and the playful penquin patterns. Absolutely adorable. They were baby shower gifts and loved by all! Fun to knit and fun go give.
Rachel / May 12, 2015
I just made a really cute gargoyle for a friend who is getting out of hospital. The gargoyle will keep watch during the night. He’s a pretty cute creature, with a bit of an attitude. Pictures and more of the story are on my site
LeAnne / May 12, 2015
Anything worn by a baby is extra cute. When my first grsndbaby was born I made him a dinosaur hat/tail for his newborn pics. The photographer loved it and wanted to know where we bought it. I also made him shark slippers that didn’t quite work out. Then when he was a few months old I made a fox sweater out of rust and brown yarn with pointy ears. He wore it proudly in the next round of photos. Baby just turned one and again wore a handknit sweater, Gramps Cardigan this time, for his photo shoot. I feel like I have to raise the bar for each one. Considering making toys too. Does anyone have a favorite for a toddler?
Brenda fletcher / May 12, 2015
i knitted baby hedge hogs (pattern from little cotton rabbits) for all the kids at my wedding. They were about business card size and the girl hedge hogs had a little flower on them. I didn’t want the kids to go away empty handed. They loved them! Even the adults guests were asking me to make them one. It was the perfect party favor.
Claudia / May 12, 2015
A year ago I knit the cutest little sweater for a friend’s baby (I’d love to send the pattern or photo, so cute). Oh I knit a lime green Yoda sweater & hat with Yoda ears for a friend’s baby boy! Older brothers loved it & fashioned a light saber out of paper tube