There are some rules that even the owner of Knit Picks can’t break. In preparation for yarn launches, we always receive boxes in advance for knitting up photo samples for the catalog. These yarns are absolutely sacrosanct since everything has been allocated to sample knitters or the photography department.
Yeah, right! Imagine walking into a room filled with all sort of new yarns and/or new colors and not being able to immediately be able to sweep up an armful and head for the nearest comfortable chair – that is my torture. I like to believe that everyone else has a crutch to lean on because their jobs depend on the “proper” dispensation of the limited yarn supplies. But, I’m supposed to be knitting! That’s my job!
When I was finally able to get my hands on the lace yarns, I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed. …

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Progress! Well, some at least.

I’ve just crossed the halfway point for the sleeves on hubby’s sweater!

It’s very weird going from knitting one large body to two small sleeves, and having to repeat the same round twice. So, I’ve had to tink a lot and haven’t made as speedy progress as I’d like! They’re just about long enough to reach his elbows…

and my knee!

These felt so nice as legwarmers when I put them on that I’m pretty sure that’s how any leftovers will end up! I’ve been telling hubby I want to make him some gaiters for his legs so they don’t freeze out there… but I don’t know, I might just need to keep them for myself 🙂

That aside, I’m hoping to get the sleeves done tonight while he’s over at his brother’s for game night. The race is on!

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There is only one blog that scares me!

I use Bloglines to organize and follow blogs that I find interesting.
No one’s life is simple which means blogs don’t always fall into neat categories. But, I think I do a pretty good job. Of course, there are the
‘Knitting Blogs“
Some of my favorites include…
Passing Down Crazy

Wendy Knits

Green Woman Comes Knocking

or Mary Scott Huff

I have another Bloglines Folder titled “Photographically Interesting“. These are blogs that are inspirational to me in terms of improving my blog photography.
Definitely Pioneer Woman

Brooklyn Tweed

Raised In Cotton

or Reclaiming the Home

Oh, and the “Food” blogs!

or Smitten Kitchen

Going to Bloglines is like opening up a huge mailbox! Lots of delightful letters and packages.
None of the blog samples I have …

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April Catalog Preview

A lot of excitement around here as we debut our new spring yarn colors! I’ve put together the latest catalog preview for your viewing
pleasure, lots of colorful photos to peruse and fun, spring-y projects to make.
As you may be able to tell, we always have a lot of fun going on location for our photography. And this time we were lucky enough to visit the Kennedy School here in Portland. Everyone was so nice and accommodating, I’d really like to go back for another shoot soon. I also had a pretty good time with our “tropics” theme, I stole Kelley’s office plants and (hopefully) made our set look like a splendid vacation destination. So between the new yarn, and two travel-themed stories I think you’ll find plenty of juicy juicy eye candy in our April catalog. I hope you enjoy it!

April Catalog Preview

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Yah, Spring is Here!

For us anyway – our new Spring yarns were released today! We added colors to several of our cotton & lace yarns and have 3 new yarn lines – Comfy Fingering, Shadow Tonal, and (my personal fave) Stroll Tonal. Want to see some of these beauties knit or crocheted up? Check out our new IDP patterns released today as well.
A crochet shawl in Shadow Tonal Springtime

A beautiful lace scarf, knit in the Shadow Tonal Gypsy

Showing off our new Stroll Tonal Canopy in some lovely socks

And, in case you don’t like socks or shawls, how about a fun hat in Stroll Tonal Foliage?

Now only question is – What do I make first? <

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The importance of documentation

A couple of weeks ago I spent a day gathering up my far-flung WIPs. I had bags in my library, in my knitting nook, in the living room, in the bedroom and in my office at work! Seeing everything piled up in one place was a bit daunting but, in the perverse attitude of a fiber freak, fantastically energizing.

Using Ravelry and my Knit Buddy iTouch app, I arranged everything into two categories. The ones that I felt I could get to at least once a week became WIPs. The others went into my Queue.

As I became reaquanted with my neglected WIPs, I slammed head first into the one rule that I just can’t seem to retain. Make REAL notes! Cryptic jottings do not qualifiy!!

My Stonington Shawl is a perfect example. Here is a reproduction of the notes I made on the Xerox copy of Elizabeth Zimmermann’s instructions.

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Mindless Knitting Crisis!

My Stonington shawl has been one of my Mindless Knitting projects. I usually only have a couple in progress with the rest of my WIPs being more intellectually stimulating.

Well, this weekend I finally finished my other simple project – the Angora Socks! Hurrah!!

I left you in suspense with my last blog entry and the analysis of what I thought was a small mathematical miscalculation.

I had to leave you in suspense because I was left speechless!!

It has taken a couple of days, and a scheduled dinner out with friends tonight, to shake me from my stupor. I have no viable mindless knitting! Yes, I could start something new but the Stonington Shawl “situation”, “mishap”, “disaster” ….. has completely knocked me out of the game. Seriously! It was a simple trapezoid but, NO, that was just too much for my math-challenging little mind. Suddenly …

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Wouldn’t you think that this would be one of the first Ravelry names taken? Knitting? Chocolate? Well, you would be so wrong!!

Let’s go back a couple of years to a lovely spot in Mexico. I’m sitting by the pool with Xena, knitting away on something when a young girl and her brother come up to me and ask if they can say, “Hi” to Xena.
Of course Xena is doing her wiggle/wiggle thing which translates into, “Oh boy, new slaves to pet me!”
Stella, and her brother Jack, stayed around for long enough for me to learn that Stella and her mother had tried knitting a few times but never really fell in love with it!
Of course, I had extra yarn and needles for just this situation. Over the next couple of days, the three of us enjoyed knitting sessions by the pool.

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It’s baby animal season!

Well, it’s 16 days to the official start of spring. And what does spring mean? Cute little baby things everywhere! Baby birds, baby squirrels, baby horsies – we’ve already spotted some adorable baby animals here at KnitPicks HQ!

These are our two Barnyard Buddies kits – Springtime Sweeties and On the Farm. Each kit contains the pattern for two sets of a diaper cover and bonnet in two characters – a Duckie and Bunny in Springtime Sweeties and a Cow and Piggy in On the Farm. They come in sizes 0-3 months, 3-6 mos., 6-12 mos. and 12-18 mos.
These little costumes are just the thing to get oohs and aahhs from your family and friends. Worked in Swish Worsted, they’re an easy-care addition to dress-up day. In fact, they’re really just the thing for those photos that you …

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