My Finished Grey Blanket

What was that?

Alison only uses three colors, and they’re light grey, medium grey, and dark grey?


Right when the new colors of Palette were about to come out, I got the color bug and wanted to knit a blanket. I was originally going to knit a 10 Stitch Twist Blanket with Tina, in these-are-totally-not-Alison-colors, but I had a few false starts and didn’t really get into it. So sad!

Aside from being a departure from my usual favorite colors, I also left the realm of knitting! The Purl Bee blog had a beautiful crocheted granny square blanket up a while back, and something about it just got to me. I liked that it was one enormous granny square, I liked the modern colors, and …

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What are you doing Wednesday night?

We will be hosting a book signing for Mary Scott Huff. Kate has been busy organizing it and has a blog entry with all the details.
It will be a delightful evening filled with lots of color to chase away the grey world of our current weather. Please try to join us!! <

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Do the elf dance!

I love dancing. My friend the elf is a very talented dancer (Kate calls him Baxter but I call him dancing queen).
He gets especially excited this time of year because the holidays are just around the corner. Everyone in the office keeps talking about quick gifts to knit. They have lots of good ideas like coffee cup cozies, holiday ornaments, felted slippers, and easy scarves and hats. I’m going to leave the knitting to them. I’m just going to keep on dancing until Christmas. <

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Mary Scott Huff Event – Highlights!

We had an awesome event last night with Mary Scott Huff! Thanks to all of the knitters who showed up – the Knit Picks staff had a great time meeting everyone. Mary also has a blog post about the event – her blog (which I find hilarious) is definitely worth a read!
Here’s a quick video of some event highlights:
And here’s a longer video of Mary giving her talk at the event:

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Share your Wishlist on Facebook!

We’ve added the option to post your wishlist on Facebook or any other social media site – even the Knitting Community, Ravelry or your own Blog.
Its easy, just log-in, view your wishlist and click the “Share Your Wishlist” button.

Below the “Send Email” form, you’ll see a link to post your wishlist on Facebook or a URL that you can copy and past into your personal Blog or other website.

We’ve received lots of great feedback about the Wishlist and have many more features and options planned for the coming year that will make it a great Knit Picks tool even beyond the holidays. <

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Press round up

One of the jobs I do here at Knit Picks is send out press releases and work with knitting publications to get them samples of our yarns and new products.

I’m really excited that our yarns and tools have been appearing in so many print publications lately.
Did you see our teleidoscope and cute little yarn cutter in Interweave Gifts?
Interweave also showed Knit Picks yarn a little love in their Accessories issue. The Never Wimpy Wimple is knit in Shadow. The Mini-Poncho is Andean Silk and Elegance. And the Keep Them Warm Wristlets use Gloss Sock yarn.
Verena showcased our East Meets West Bags in their Fall issue.
Vogue Knitting included our Harmony and metal cable needles in their cable needle review recently.
And Knit N Style’s February issue featured Stroll in Tree Fort and the pattern for our Waves Shawl.
I just love opening up a new issue of …

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Finished Vest

I have been terrible at taking pictures and blogging about finished projects. I really, really have been knitting as much as ever, and here is a little proof. This is my Nederland Vest (from the fall 2008 issue of KnitScene) in Gloss DK. I love how this yarn drapes and fits so well. The pattern doesn’t have waist shaping because that is right where the argyle pattern is happening, but the Gloss DK does a good job of making up for that with a curve-skimming drape.
I made some modifications in the armholes because the shoulders were too wide for me. Part of that involved steeking because I was too lazy to rip the shoulders all the way back. I just crocheted together half of one knit stitch with half of another knit stitch along the line where I wanted the armscye to be, cut away the extra …

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Winner of the photo contest!

Congratulations to October Phillips, winner of our Behind the Scenes Photo Contest. Thanks to everyone who sent in their guesses. The answers are:
Photo 1 – Town Slippers – 40130 (the spats specifically)
Photo 2 – Traveling Stitch Socks from Knitting a Perfect Pair – 31210
Photo 3 – Arden Bag – Red and Black – 40133
Photo 4 – Ribbed Cap from One Skein Wonders – 30858 <

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Odd inner dialog

I know I have fallen off the grid for the last few days but I have two good reasons.
First, a whammy of a migraine. I have been using a lovely medication for about a year that I absolutely love!! If has made my frequent migraines non-existent. The only downside is that only determined migraines get through the medical stockade. Set off by a huge change in our local barometric pressure, this one had a great start and took full advantage of the opportunity. Ever since I was quite young I’ve anthropromorphized my migraines – just short of naming them. Anyway, this one kept me company for a couple of days. I have something to look forward to after a migraine goes away – an odd, manic frame of mind and lots of energy. You guessed it – I cleaned.
My second reason involves secrecy and is best described by relating my …

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