Win Gloss DK and HW to knit Interweave patterns.

Have you seen the new Fall issue of Interweave Knits yet? There are a lot of gorgeous patterns in this issue, but four of them really stood out for us because they would look especially fantastic in our new heavier weights of Gloss.

If you haven’t knit with Gloss yet, you should really give it a try. The silk takes dye beautifully which results in deep, rich colors with a slight sheen that gives you incredible stitch definition. Please excuse my gushing, this is a really special yarn- one that we think you need to see for yourself in person to truly appreciate. On that note, we’ve decided to take these 4 patterns from Interweave, pick 4 Knitting Community members at random, and send them enough Gloss in the colors of their choice to knit the pattern for free!
Here are the patterns you can …

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Twitchy Fingers!!

I am in a swoon from my exhausting weekend at Sock Summit. Well, with the exception of my fingers which are twitching in anticipation of all the incredible socks I will be knitting. I’ ve taken down all my Barbara Walker and Nancy Bush books as resources for my new sock plans.
Yes, I did take photos and I have a lot to say but I’m going to combine my photos and this week’s blogpost. That’s going to take a couple of days. Rest today, work tomorrow and share on Wednesday.
Let me just say that Sock Summit was absolutely fantastic!! <

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More Sock Summit!

So for my first ever blog post here, I thought I’d share some of my experiences at Sock Summit! I hope you are not all bored by all the Sock Summit posts yet – it was such a once in a lifetime experience and it happened in our own back yard!
I got to meet and take a class from Charlene Schurch! A little back story: When I decided to start knitting socks a little over 4 years ago, I just couldn’t wrap my head around how to it. (you should see my first attempts. Scary stuff.) I was so frustrated I threw the poor misshapen sock across the room and ignored it for months at a time.
But I really love wearing funky socks & was determine to learn how to make my own. I researched a few books and finally picked up Sensational Knitted Socks. Working on the Class Sock, …

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October catalog photoshoot

It’s been a busy few weeks for me, let me tell you, and I’m not even talking about the Sock Summit craziness. The September catalog is still in the printing & mailing process, while at the same time we’re shooting the photos for the October catalog and planning projects for the Winter catalog. Whew! I wanted to take some brief time to show you a glimpse of one of our October photoshoots, and to introduce you to your new KP catalog manager/designer, Christina.

I got this candid photo of Christina during our location shoot at Hopworks Urban Brewery in SE Portland. Hopworks is Portland’s first Eco-Brewpub, offering organic beer in an awesome sustainable building that is a darn cool setting for photos. (Not only that, but they have amazing homemade rootbeer, which I sampled with lunch after the shoot.)

The …

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New Knit Alongs

The fall online catalog is about to be released, and we have created three new knit alongs (abbreviated as KALs) to support our new kits and yarns. The Learn to Knit KAL is for new knitters, people working on our Learn to Knit a Sweater kit or Learn to Knit a Hat and Scarf kit, or knitters attempting new techniques. We have posted video tutorials, a glossary of knitting terms, and there is a discussion board to ask about patterns or techniques. Also, there are experienced knitters who moderate that group and will help to answer your questions.
I know it’s early to start thinking about the holidays, but we’ve also created a Holiday Gift KAL. This will be a great place to figure out potential gift ideas and share your finished projects (as long as the recipient isn’t also in this KAL)! Also, if you start holiday knitting now, you …

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My shopping basket from Sock Summit

Well, this is going to be embarrassing! 🙂 You can listen to the details on my podcast – Episode 108.
Let’s start with the Daisy Muir bags.

Avi Wasserman spindle, Viking Santa spindle laying against Fiber Optics Pencil Roving.

Then there are the yarns. With so many independent dyers, it was a joy to find colors that spoke to my heart.
Influenced by the Hizsocks class I took from Stephen Houghton (Hizknits in Ravelry) I was on the lookout for yarns to use for socks for Bob.
Alchemy Yarn from the Simply Socks booth.

If all goes well, Bob will receive a second pair knit in the Windser Denim and Chocolate colorway from The Royale Hare.

I am planning to knit a pair of socks for myself in the Anderson Marsh colorway from …

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Sock Summit –

What an interesting experience to spend four days with hundreds of people who thought nothing of walking and knitting socks, walking and drop spindling, or stopping each other to ask to closely examine each other’s socks.
Long line outside the Marketplace before it opens? No, worries! We will just sit down and knit or spin.

Then we will wander up and down rows and rows of sock yarn, fiber and gadgets!!!


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Fraternal Twins

For some reason, I’m rebelling against my summer knitting.

Last weekend, I didn’t want to work on my socks, or my lace, or my cotton tshirt projects. They all require concentration that I didn’t have, and trying to work on them just felt tedious and frustrating. So I cast on for a Daybreak shawl, with one of our rejected Stroll samples and a color-changing sock yarn I went out and bought instead of going to the Sock Summit (I know, bad designer!) I love the graphic elements of this pattern, and with the simple stripes and slipped stitches on a background of plain stockinette, it is turning out to be the perfect antidote to the knitterly temper tantrum I was having!
So I brought my progress into work today, and learned that Kate is not only knitting the same pattern (in ultra-gorgeous sock yarn that she …

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There’s a new girl in town!

You may have noticed that Mr. Foster finally met that special someone…

Carmen Banana!
He was just gushing about her when he came back from his last trip. He was just minding his own business, taking some time off, when she strolled around the corner and into his life. He wouldn’t tell me if it was her classy dress or his lack of eyelids, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her!

Now that he’s back in the office, he just won’t stop talking about her. Carmen this! Carmen that! He’s so excited that she’s finally off of her whirlwind tour (she’s a jazz singer, didn’t you know?) and ready to come home to him. So, won’t you do him a favor? Bring Carmen home! He really really really wants to go dancing with her again. Really. Woooooon’t stop talking.
And to …

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