I love a good yarn sale!

Did you guys see that our yarn sale just started this morning? You can get 38% off on over 150 colors, but you have to shop before next Thursday at 9am my time.

This is a perfect opportunity to bulk up your stash. Shopping is so much fun! <

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What to knit for Knit in Public day?

I’m moving in a few weeks, and started packing – of course, the most accessible thing to pack was my yarn!

The yarn is calling to me from its cardboard confinement!

And my yarn shelves are bare. (Yes, my craft room is hot pink)

So what to do for knit in public day? I know that moving is about the most super-busy time ever, so I figured I was probably safe packing everything because I wouldn’t have time to knit. But, the yarn, it calls to me! Every skein I touched was begging to be something as I stuffed it mercilessly into boxes. No, no, for this Knit in Public day, and I guess for the next few weeks before I set my yarn free once more, I will commit to… *gasp*… one project. I KNOW! I know. …

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Okay all you speed knitters

To celebrate Knit In Public Day, we’re knitting preemie caps for The Preemie Project over the weekend! The knitter who completes the most preemie caps by 9am PDT on Monday morning wins! To participate, go here.
The Preemie Project, Booties, Bonnets and Blankies for Premature Babies
The Preemie Project is most in need of caps for 3-8 lb. infants, so that’s what we’re knitting. Your finished hats must have a circumference of 11-12.5 inches and a length/height of 4-6 inches. You can get more sizing details in The Preemie Projects measurement guide.
We are not requiring you to use a specific pattern for this speed knitting contest, but here’s a suggested pattern that’s quick and easy. It’s the Basic Newborn Baby Hat by Jennifer L. Jackson.
When you are done, take a photo of your finished caps (they have to be ready to wear, no unwoven ends!) …

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Knitting in the park

Happy Worldwide Knit in Public Day! This morning Angela, Christy, Marci, Amy, Nancee, and I all joined the Vancouver Monday Night Knitting Group and the Ft. Vancouver Knitters Guild knitting at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver, WA. Angela took this video of some of us:

Angela and I both cast on for premie hats, since that’s what our speed knitting contest knitters are knitting this weekend. Knitting with DPNs with a 4 month old in my lap was a bit tricky though, as you can see. I think I got about 6 rows done before she started grabbing at my needles.

To show off my knitting, I wore my Autumn Rose Pullover, knit with Palette, and Alice wore the February Baby Sweater I made her with a handspun yarn. That tells you how sad our weather is today if we’re wearing wool sweaters. It didn’t stop us for getting out in …

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A Day Just Like Any Other Day?

When I first heard about Worldwide Knit in Public Day, I didn’t really understand the concept. I mean, I knit in public ALL THE TIME. On public transportation, in the car, in restaurants,in airports…..at any seated event really. And some un-seated: in line at the post office, at the bank…I could go on and on. So, what’s the point of a whole entire day devoted to knitting in public? I already do that!
Then I realized that I have only certain types of projects that I knit on in public. Socks are the most likely thing you’ll spot me working on because they are so portable. Mittens and gloves are up there too, closely followed by hats and cowls. When I knit in public, I don’t drag out the afghans, the color work, the sweaters knit in pieces with 2 sleeves on the needle at once, the snowy white lace that …

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Photos of our Knit in Public Day

Link to Ravelry

Here’s Melissa and Alice
These are photos to go with Melissa’s post about our Knit in Public day today at the park in Vancouver.
For the record, Melissa was the local celebrity among the knitters. People couldn’t believe she knit the sweater she had on–see how gorgeous it is in the photo above. And they were excited to meet the person who designed the colors of Imagination yarn and designed the patterns for last year’s snowmen Lumpy, Slim and Rosy.
We had a lot of fun, the knitting guild gave away a bunch of prizes including some Knit Picks needles and yarn, and it was just cool to get to spend a couple hours, even on a cloudy day, hanging out outside with passionate knitters.
More photos:

Alice looking cute as always

Amy showing off the beginning of Rosy …

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Coffee and knitting in public

The funny thing about World Wide Knit in Public day (WWKIP), is that I almost always knit in public. I’m just not home a lot! I think the reason that I enjoy knitting so much is that it’s portable. I learned to knit a few years ago while I was in college, and I particularly liked that I could pull out my knitting when I was riding the bus to class or making myself sit still while reading a big textbook in the library (that produced a lot of scarves). And now that I’m out of school, I’m still always on the go. This means that I am able to dedicate more time to knitting than my more stationary hobbies such as weaving, machine sewing, or spinning.
I’m getting over a cold, so I didn’t attend a big Knit in Public event. Then I realized that most of my friends in …

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KIP at Big Al’s bowling alley

Hi all… it’s been a crazy weekend for me so far! But I finally had a chance to sit down and do some knitting in public!

A dear friend of mine got married today… and to do something a little different, her wedding reception is here at Big Al’s ( I heard that the new movie with Harrison Ford and Brandon Frazier was filmed here, can’t wait to see it on the big screen) this bowling alley is cream of the crop as far as bowling alleys go!
Here is my grandson with me helping me out with the KIP (he took the first picture)

Hope you had a fun day knitting!
Footnote: This picture and blog was from earlier this afternoon… but I have a new mini computer and a new camera… needless to say, when I went to upload the …

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Workin’ on my knitting muscles

I decided that Knit In Public day would be a great opportunity for a good distraction while I was doing one of my favorite activities!

That’s right, the only way I could keep from kissing my muscles* would be to keep them busy doing something a bit more refined.
Some of the folks at the gym were a little confused by this one, because I was spending my time looking at some pretty white cotton instead of watching myself in the mirror. But hey! I got a workout in and got a few rows done – win-win, right? I didn’t even notice how bad I looked in bike shorts!

Hmmm, I wonder how many rows I’d have to do to get my triceps in shape…

*if I could find them. …

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Knit in Public Day Twitter Contest

Knit Picks is everywhere! That’s a bit tongue in cheek, but we are having a lot of fun talking about knitting on several social web sites. Have you friended us on FaceBook yet? A bunch of us are also on Twitter, posting tweets about our daily activities. Here’s a link to our Knit Picks on Twitter page.
So, just for fun on Saturday, which was Knit in Public Day, I ran a contest on Twitter. I posted the rules and then a clue picture. The first person to guess my location got a specially selected prize! Nicole S. was the winner, and since she’s from Wisconsin, she did a really good job of figuring out my location – Voodoo Donuts in Portland, OR (I had an apple fritter, by the way – fantastic!). Nicole likes to knit cabled things, things for charity and is a beginner sock knitter (on dpns), so …

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