Capra Contest Winner!

Our lucky winner from our Win Some Cashmere contest is Leanne, with post #903 – congratulations!

Name: Leanne

I’d love Caviar for the main color with Harbor stripes. What a great
color combo to start the fall with and I’m sure it will be so warm. I
can’t wait to order this yarn!
Posted Aug 4, 2010 9:59 PM 
We’ll be contacting Leanne by email so we can get her mailing info.  Thanks to everyone for participating – I’m really excited about the Capra launch, especially after hearing all of your color combination suggestions!

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Bling your Knit Picks Drop Spindle

Once I had one of our drop spindles for myself, I couldn’t resist giving it a bit of love. I used a fine sanding paper to make the surface smooth as glass. Then, I begged some wood stains from our decorative painting division. Actually, the entire project was done through begging. The sandpaper and Jo Sonya wood stain came from The Artist’s Club. Alison supplied the wood oil that she uses to keep the wood of her spinning wheels glowing.

Notice the difference between the niddy noddy and my drop spindle. You can find wood stains and sandpaper in a craft store or even Home Depot. You might even choose a colored stain – dark green, blue, purple – you get the idea. Wood oil is usually in the furniture polish section of most grocery stores.

We are finished with photography, video recording, etc. That means I have a green light to start my spinning project this weekend! I’m going to start this evening while we are out to dinner with friends. I can’t wait to show them our drop spindle.

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I received my “20 Colors” for my Colors by Kristin knitting!

Kristin Nicholas asks her students to bring at least twenty colors of yarn to her classes. So, I took her advice as my first step towards enjoying several patterns from her book – Color by Kristin. Since we have expanded our color selection in Wool of the Andes – Worsted, I decided to make that my yarn line of choice. No, I am not going to give you a list of all twenty colors! This is supposed to be an exercise in your own color sensibilities.



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Spinning, spinning and spinning

We have been working on a huge surprise for you! I have had to keep it a secret for nearly a year!

A Knit Picks drop spindle and two sizes of niddy noddies. Stunningly
beautiful roving all ready to spin with a drop spindle or a wheel.
Collections of multi-colored roving to enjoy as special treats.
Honestly! It’s been so much fun!

But, now I can introduce you to our new fiber toys as well as the first two videos from my online “Learn to Spin Yarn” video class and a Spin-Along to make it a party!! Each week in August, I will post a new video of your next spinning lesson. The first two videos to get you started are “Learn to Spin Yarn– Intro to Drop Spindling” and “Learn to Spin Yarn– Drop Spindling Terminonlogy”. All you need to get started is a drop spindle and a bit of roving.

Here is how I am going to celebrate!

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Interview with Melissa Dominguez

Melissa Dominguez
was one of the very first designers we approached when we started the
Independent Designer Program and it’s no wonder – several of us here
love her patterns for OpArt and Josephine
from Knitty. We all love her new patterns just as much and obviously
you all do too, as she’s one of the most popular IDP designers!  So I
just had to do a little interview with her – enjoy!

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Design A Sweater, Lesson 7: Finishing!

Hi Knitters! This final edition of the sweater class is all about
finishing. In this week’s video and handout, I’ll discuss weaving in
ends, how to finish your turned hem, closing up the underarms, and
working the neckline trim! Whew! Each step goes pretty fast, but make
sure to take the time to do these steps right, as a well-finished
sweater will look a lot better than one with sloppy finishing.

Check out our tutorials on finishing, too–they’ll give you a
lot of information on how to execute the techniques discussed in this

Finshing Tutorials

Another resource I really like and use a lot is Nancie Wiseman’s Knitter’s Book of Finishing Techniques, which is a wealth of information on every bit of swea=ter finishing you could imagine!

And without further ado, here’s your handout for this week:

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A Bit of Fall Color


The leaves aren’t changing colors yet, but I can share some of the fall yarn colors with you!

I’m particularly excited about our fall yarn colors, I got to help pick them at my first color selection meeting!  This seems crazy, but it takes a really long time to plan a yarn line.  When we pick new colors, we love customer suggestions and feedback, we look at upcoming trends, and we try to round out colors that are missing in yarn lines.  The Knit Picks staff loves a really diverse range of colors.  When we opened the box, everyone clamored for their favorite colors! 



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