Winners of the Dangerous Contest!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway!  We had some
really fun comments and we always love reading all of them. 
Unfortunately, we were only able to pick three winners.  To make our selections, we used a random number generator that chose our winners based on the number of their comment. 

Our winners!

#29 – Katherine R. from Knightdale, NC

#209 – Kris G. from Baltimore, MD

#384 – Sarah B. from Bountiful, UT

Our winners have each been sent an email and as soon as we hear back from
them, we will ship them their prize. Hopefully Katherine, Kris and Sarah
will make some really cute monsters and share pictures with us.  If
they do, we will be sure to post them!  Thanks again everyone!

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Dangerous Contest

This contest is now closed.  Thank you so much to everyone who participated!  To find out who won, click here.

Why is this Dangerous?  Because if you win this book you will be overloaded with cuteness!

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know that I love Rebecca Danger‘s creatures (and anyone who sees my desk can confrim it).  So I am so excited for her book, The Big Book Of Knitted Monsters – it’s full of 20 awesome monster pattterns!

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Joining the Chroma craze!

Alright, Stacey has gotten a jump-start on me with her Turn a Square hat and her Ida’s Kitchen hat made from our new Chroma yarn. But, I am quite pleased with my choice of project – Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery using the New England colorway in fingering weight. I love how the the undulation of the fabric accents the long transitions of color.

The only issue is that I only have one ball from what was left from our office stash. But, since there is a definite right and wrong side to this scarf, I think I’l be perfectly happy just having it drape around my neck. It’s also knitting up quickly! I have found that following the chart was much easier than using the written instructions.

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Winners – Knitting Noro Book AND Chroma Giveaway!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway!  We got some
really great comments and it was fun reading what all of you would do
with the book and yarn if you won.  Sadly, we were only able to pick two
people.  To select our winners, we used a random number generator that chose our winners based on the number of their comment.  

Our winners:

#9 – Jessica B.

Yay! Love this, because I was just eyeballing that Chroma in the catalog 🙂 I would definitely make a cowl. Oh, how pretty!

#1747 – Ann S.

Definitely going to do a striped scarf! Also thinking about the
Jindabyne a-Line sweater from Swing Swagger Drape by Jane Slicer-Smith.
Ooh, ooh, choose me!

We have emailed Jessica and Ann this morning and once they let us
know which color and weight of Chroma they would like, we will be
shipping out their prizes.  Thanks again everyone, as always, we love to
hear your feedback!


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Knitting Noro Book AND Chroma Giveaway!

This contest is closed!  Thank you everyone for your participation.  You can read about who won here: winners.

Are you all ready for another giveaway contest?  We’ve had so many great
responses in recent contests that we thought we would give you a little
something extra this time.  Not only will the winners get a copy of
this great book, Knitting Noro – The Magic of Knitting with Hand Dyed Yarns, they will also get a skein (weight and color of your
choice) of Chroma

Between the amazing patterns in this book and the rich, gorgeous colors
of Chroma, you are destined to make something absolutely stunning.

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TNNA, here we come!

I’m very excited because Alison and I are escaping from Vancouver’s cloudy grey skies for a couple of days to hit the TNNA trade show in Long Beach, CA this weekend. I’ve never been to TNNA, so I’m looking forward to checking out all the booths and groping lots and LOTS of yarn. You may have heard that Knit Picks is now offering our needles at whole sale prices to select local yarn stores.You can see a list of shops that are currently carrying our needles here. If you don’t see your favorite LYS, you can e-mail to suggest a retailer.
We’re going to have a booth at TNNA so that local yarn store owners can see our needles in person, ask us questions about the new program, and sign up for whole sale accounts. If you’re going to be at TNNA, be sure to stop by the booth and …

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Chroma Hats

Chroma has been out for about 2 weeks now – have you tried it yet?  I
am honestly so in love with it.  I can’t stop knitting with it!  First I
tried the fingering weight for my Fishy Mitts
that I already wrote about.  But when I finished, I wanted to keep
playing with it!  Hats are one of my favorite things to knit (sadly, no
one I know wears hats…so now I have a lot of them) so I decided to try
out some different hat patterns with Chroma Worsted.

First – I decided to do a Turn A Square by Jared Flood
I’ve actually never tried this pattern before, though I have done a few
by Jared Flood.  Alison has an addiction to this pattern so it seemed
like a perfect time to try it out.

Turn a Square

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Contest Winner – Knitting at Home

It’s time to announce the three winners of our Knitting at Home book giveaway! I used a random number generator to pick winners from the comments.
#271 – Trishia Jimenez
#357 – Hannah
#921 – Billi Cummings
Congratulations! We’ll be emailing the winners to get their addresses so we can mail these out. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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Fun with Chroma

Knitting the Autumn Sun shawl  in Chroma worsted was completely addicting.

The whole shawl is knit in garter stitch with simple increases on
each end to create the triangle shape as you knit (the pattern is
available on Ravelry as a free download). With no fancy stitch patterns
to memorize or charts to check and re-check, I sat back and watched the
colors in the Mix Tape colorway transition from yellow to green to pink
to brown.

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