Stitch n’ Pitch 2014

Knitting and baseball – my two favorite things!  Last week I got to attend the annual Seattle Mariner’s Stitch n’ Pitch.


This event was first started by the Mariners 10 years ago and now many major & minor league teams around the country hold their own SnP nights!  It’s a lot of fun, even if you are not a huge baseball fan – Safeco Field, home of the Mariners, opens up their top deck area for yarn booths and other goodies and it’s so much fun to see (and buy) so much pretty yarn.

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Podcast Call for Entries: Knitting School!

Did you learn to knit at school? Many schools, like Waldorf, include knitting as part of the curriculum. When I worked in a yarn shoppe in England, almost all of the older ladies that would come in had learned to knit in school. If you learned knitting as part of your education, we’d love to hear from you! Email with your story. If you’re included in an upcoming podcast, you’ll win a ‘charm pack’ of free KnitPicks yarn.
Image: St. Paul. Schools. Ramsey 1917 -18

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A Strathcona in Lindy Chain

strathcona_leaningWhen our newest yarn, Lindy Chain, arrived at the office, it was love at first sight. The gorgeous colors! The cool crispness of the fiber! The way it seemed to shine and glow!  I was so excited, I had to sit down for a bit. Once I recovered, I realized I had the perfect pattern for this yarn all queued up- the lovely and classic Strathcona, by Jane Richmond.

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Heirloom Lace

Heirloom Lace represents the ultimate aspirational pattern collection of gorgeous lace projects that I’ve come to think of as instant keepsakes. I find myself picturing these shawls draped over a linen sundress, instantly elevating a casual ensemble to something suitable for a romantic dinner or wedding this summer.

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