Happy New Year! We’re busy planning our crafts for 2024 and have some ambitious goals! Many of us are aspiring to get our number of WIPs under control, but there are also plans for developing new skills and trying new things.

I once again resolve to finish some of the sweaters I have on the needles, and also my first crochet sweater that I started in December, and to start new projects with yarn I ALREADY HAVE, and to get my yarn more organized! Besides those evergreen annual goals, I want to pick back up the movie-blanket project that I just barely started awhile back, which will be great for leftover-stash busting!
— Lee
I’m awful at new year’s resolutions – I go in with good intentions but get distracted by…well everything. So this year, I’m going to go easy. By then end of 2024, I want to have at least one completed project in a knit or crochet technique I haven’t done before. I don’t know what this is right now but I’m certain I can make something fit by this time next year – even if in December I’m furiously researching something to complete it.
— Stacey

My NYCR is going to be expanding colorwork techniques! I want to explore some mosaic knitting (I’ve even got the yarn for it already!).
— Regan
I have seven sweater WIPs on needles right now, and my goal is to finish or frog at least five! The oldest is someone else’s WIP from 1992 that I committed to finish, and the oldest that I started myself was an intense intarsia project that I began in January 2020 and never knit more than the back. Four of the WIPs were projects I started in 2023, and the last sweater is a project from 2021 that I fell out of love with and need to frog or modify.
— Andi

In 2024 I will finish at least 3 WIPs and complete 1 crochet project. Oh, and I will learn enough crochet to finish that 1 crochet project.
— Janis
In 2024 I WILL finish my Both Sides Now shawl! I started it in January 2020 and am at the point 2/3 of the way in where the rows are super long. But I’m too suborn to frog it and use the yarn for something else!
— Alena

This year I am going to frog or finish at least half of my WIPs (I know I said this last year – but this year I mean it – truly). I have a plan & several audio books queued, and I am going to get my WIP’s sorted (pinky swear).
— Jen