Handmade Nation

Two weeks ago, Angela and I both saw the new craft documentary “Handmade Nation” at the Museum of Contemporary Craft in downtown Portland, OR. The movie explored the lives of indie crafters and the DIY movement, and there were tons of crafty-folk in attendance. They had a kiosk set up for people to take pictures of themselves showing off their handmade goods, and they later published all those photos to a Flickr stream.

That’s me! I had a two-fer, since I was wearing my Tempest sweater and a scarf I made out of my handspun (Ravelry link). The lighting isn’t the greatest, but I’m just tickled that they posted photographic proof of my attendance.

There’s Angela! Her lighting’s much better, so you can see her linen-stitch scarf (Ravelry link) in Imagination.

If you’d like to see more crafters sharing their projects, you can check out the full Handmade Nation Flickr stream. <