Free Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth

“It’s much easier than I thought it would be.”
“Most things in knitting are, really.”

― Gil McNeil, The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club

Happy Friday! An I-Cord bindoff is something I absolutely love to do on cardigans bands – I think it gives them a nice professional look and hangs so nicely without curling. And a 2 color one looks fabulous on a colorful sweater! But if that technique looks a little scary and difficult, we have the perfect project to try it out on – the cute Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth.

Free Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth from

This easy dishcloth by Ann Weaver starts with a simple garter stitch body but the real magic happens when you pick up for the border. After picking up stitches all around, Ann walks you through the process of working a 2 color I-Cord bind off.

Free Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth from

And don’t feel you need to stick with just 2 colors – use up your leftovers from previous Dishie projects to create a colorful one of a kind dishcloth. And you’ll be ready take this fun technique on to bigger projects!

Be sure to download this great pattern at the links below – and check back here each week to see the next club pattern.

Handy Links
Stripy I-Cord Dishcloth
Dishie Yarn
All free dishcloth patterns
All Ann Weaver’s patterns