We’ve got a beautiful new lace book out, Botanic: Nature-inspired Lace, and Lee and Stacey share the inspiration and some behind-the-scenes details. Stacey also gets excited about our new Foursquare Sunstruck needles. Plus, Lee and Stacey announce our summer break. We’re taking July and August off from podcasting, but we’ll be back with fresh episodes on the first Wednesday of September!
Also in this episode, Lee and Stacey are joined by Andi, Jen, Regan, and Carlene to discuss how our Ice Fire KAL WIPs are turning out. Despite starting at the same time, everyone is at very different points, and we bet you can guess who is already done.

Mentioned in this Episodes
Lee’s garden Instagram highlight
Knit One Knit All book by Elizabeth Zimmermann
2-Piece Baby Jacket pattern (Ravelry link)
Lee’s baby jacket project (Ravelry link)
Stroll yarns
Knit Picks on YouTube
Botanic print book
Botanic ebook
Foursquare Sunstruck needles
Foursquare Sunstruck 6″ Double Pointed Needles
Ice Fire Knit Along
Ice Fire Wrap pattern
Wool of the Andes yarns
Knit Picks Blog (You’re already here!)
Capra DK yarn
Regan’s finished wrap dramatic photoshoot
Knit Picks Instagram KAL story highlight
Time Stamps
00:07 Welcome to the Knit Picks Podcast
00:30 Lee and Stacey discuss what they’re been up to, and Lee and Producer Andi get a little too excited talking about plants.
10:57 The show is taking a summer break! We’ll be back in September with new projects to talk about.
16:05 We’ve got a new lace collection, Botanic: Nature-inspired Lace.
23:50 Stacey’s secret favorite needles, Foursquare Sunstrucks, are finally available for everyone!
27:13 Knit Picks Team members Carelene, Regan, and Jen join Lee, Stacey, and Andi to talk about their Ice Fire KAL projects.
37:22 The team discusses mistakes and modifications they’ve made on their projects
43:10 Everyone discusses the challenging two-color rib and more mistakes.
50:32 Credits