Comfort knitting

Comfort knitting for blog

I was in great need of comfort knitting this weekend. I’m afraid I have sad news, Xena passed away last week.

Xena B

Xena Posing - E

Xena Posing - I

I know she had an exceptionally good dog life which has helped tremendously.

One of the people I called immediately was Xena’s breeder, Lora. Lora, in turn sent out e-mails to every breeder that had Xena’s “line” in their breeding program. She explained the Xena had passed and she wanted to know if their were any Xena progeny available.

Three breeders responded but they all had boys and I was set on a girl. So, Lora graciously gave me one of her dogs who is a Xena grand-daughter.

Beatrix for blog

Meet Beatrix (Beatrix Potter). We will be calling her Bea. She is three years old and is an absolute delight. I am so happy to see how Bea has helped people begin to heal after Xena’s passing. She loves everyone and is such a little bundle of happy that you can’t help but smile and laugh when she is around.


  1. Elianastar / October 25, 2013

    We lost our beloved Frasier Dog in 2008 & I still miss him! He came into our lives unexpectedly & quickly filled our days with joy and fellowship for the next almost 14 years. I know Xena was a similar member of your family & can only imagine the depth of sadness.

    We waited a year to get another dog… and got two, Goodness & Mercy. Rescue Pomeranians that have been a joy. Hopefully Bea will warm the soul and fill the spots Xena has left empty.

    Warm compassion for your loss & joy for your new companion!

  2. Linda / October 24, 2013

    I ‘be been away and just read the sad news of Xena’s passing. I’m so sorry. I know how heartbreaking this is.

  3. Lori / October 22, 2013

    My heart breaks for you. Safe journey to Xena, and hugs to you and your family.

  4. Desiray Walker / October 22, 2013

    Sometimes it seems so cruel that our beloved fuzzies have such short life spans. It’s like losing your baby, the one that never talked back. I think God planned it this way so that we would have room for multiple animals who would come into our homes, and our lives and enrich them with love and laughter. It’s still sad, but eventually you can look back with a smile (and still some tears) and be thankful you, for however briefly, had that wonderful soul to love. And love you. Hugs to you!

  5. Kathy / October 18, 2013

    Oh, honey. Mental hugs.

  6. Sonia / October 18, 2013

    So sorry to hear about Xena. She will be missed by all of us. She was a great mascot.
    Its so nice that you still have a part of her with you in Bea as you heal.
    Welcome Bea to the knitting community.

  7. Mara Morgen / October 18, 2013

    People who aren’t dog and cat lovers will never understand how important these pets are in our lives. Often we spend more time with them than we do our human familes – and God knows, they love us more fully! I hope your heart finds peace.

  8. Deborah Kendall / October 17, 2013

    I also just suffered the loss of my beloved Yorkie so I know how hard this has been for you. Heartbroken doesn’t begin to describe the feelings.
    May you find peace in remembering how much joy she brought to everyone who knew her.

  9. Amberlee Batchelor / October 17, 2013

    So sad to hear about Xena!!! She was a gorgeous baby! I know how difficult it is to lose a sweet fuzzy pet. I had a sheltie named Kirby and when he passed I was having a rough time of it. Six months later I got a call that his niece needed a retirement home and so we have Chloe now. So glad to have her too. Bea looks like a sweetheart too!

  10. Denise / October 17, 2013

    So sorry to hear about Xena’s passing. I hope Bea understands the job she was just assigned.

  11. Karen Budnick / October 17, 2013

    Kelley, So sorry to hear about Xena. When I first started listening to your podcast I’d hear her little bark at the end. I’m very attached to my little girl, Sandy, as you were to Xena.

  12. Barbara / October 17, 2013

    Remember “when someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure”.

  13. Lou / October 17, 2013

    Very sorry for your loss.
    Bea has the look that she might have a bit of imp inside her.

    Best wishes,

  14. KathyS / October 17, 2013

    It’s so hard to lose a pet. My condolences to you and your family. It was great to see her in so many of your photos through the years.

  15. Alice Nelson / October 17, 2013

    Losing a part of your “family” is always hard, but know having a part of her in the ‘grandbaby’ will help!

  16. Karla (threadbndr) / October 17, 2013

    I am so sorry to hear that your lovely Xena passed away. Her little bark always made me smile. Best of luck with her ‘grandbaby’, she has big ‘pawprints’ to fill, but she looks up to the task.

  17. Peggy Stuart / October 16, 2013

    Dogs don’t live as long as we do. They are ready for Heaven much sooner. I know she will be there waiting for you someday. (((Cyber hugs!)))

  18. Nicole M / October 16, 2013

    I’m sorry to hear about Xena! She seemed like such a sweet pup and I loved seeing her in the Knit Picks videos.
    I hope that Xena’s grand-puppy will be a comfort. She looks like a cutie

  19. Sandra / October 16, 2013

    So sorry about Xena’s passing. But I am glad you have found a new knitting buddy. Our pets bring so much joy to our lives.

  20. Bev / October 16, 2013

    I am so sorry to hear of dear Xena’s passing. As an avid podcast listener, I always loved hearing her little bark at the end of the session! My thoughts are with you . . .

  21. Brandy M. from the 'Couve - Daisy's Mom / October 15, 2013

    Oh no! Kelley, I was so sorry to hear about Xena! I’m trying to figure out if Xena is my Daisy’s Mom?? Do you remember?

    Congrats on Bea joining your family! She’s sure adorable!

    Big Pom hugs!

    Brandy, David, Daisy & Bella

  22. Marla / October 15, 2013

    I’m so sorry. My heart aches for you.

  23. Vicki Stammer / October 15, 2013

    Dear Kelley and family, we are so sorry to hear that your little one has left you, and we grieve with you. As life-long animal lovers and the human parents of many rescues who brighten our lives and fill our hearts, we know that each loss is singular in its pain and each new loved one is unique in the joy it discloses. May your new companion comfort you as you reflect on the happiness that Xena shared with you and, through you, with all of us. In sympathy, Vicki and Michael Stammer

  24. Betsy / October 15, 2013


    I’m so sorry to hear of Xena’s passing.

  25. Laura from beautiful West Michigan / October 15, 2013

    Oh, I’m so sorry about Xena. I loved hearing about her on the blog. Bea looks sweet and I hope she helps fill up that hole in your heart.

  26. Margot / October 14, 2013

    I am so sorry to hear about Xena. I have missed hearing her barking at the end of your podcasts. I hope memories of her will always make you smile and Bea will fill your life with happiness.


  27. theresa calter / October 14, 2013

    So sorry to hear your news; so happy that Bea could come to your house of fiber and in time to coordinate with your afghan.

    I discovered your podcasts last year and listened to all the back episodes in the car on the way to dog events between Bellingham and Albany. My dogs were sure I had let the pom ride up front but she was never there when we stopped!

  28. G.K. Green / October 14, 2013

    Kelley —

    Sincere condolences on Xena’s passing …

    Memories of listening to you talk about her are inextricably knit into the fabric of all that’s been on my needles while enjoying the podcast; she will be missed but not forgotten.

    I hope that Bea realizes how lucky she is, too …

    Georgia (gkgreen on Ravelry)

    P.S. Donation was made to our local humane society in Xena’s memory.