Category Archives: Inspiration

Busy Bee

Knitters who attended our yarn tasting a few weeks ago heard me talk about my ill-fated idea for a hat–It was going to be really cute, shaped like a beehive with little needle felted bees adorning it. And it was ill-fated because when I pitched the idea to Alison, thinking that it would make a great KP design, she very politely informed me that the pattern already exists–only in one of the most popular knitting books of the last decade. Knitting designer FAIL! There are 2 kinds of pattern ideas that I get–some of them are patterns that I think will be fun to write, but probably wouldn’t choose to knit for myself (I have 10 years of stash at my current knitting rate so I need to be a little choosy to avoid getting buried in yarn!) and some are ones that I really, really want to make for myself. ...

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Designer Interviews

If you are considering knitting any of the kits from the latest catalog, we have recorded designer interviews with Nina and Kerin. They show off the projects, and tell you about any special techniques used in the patterns. Tilt A Whirl Kit Soleado Bag New Traditions Baby Blanket Madison Laptop Case Fiji Desk Getaway Kit Backyard Garden Kit We’d love to hear if you are knitting any of the new kits! <

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The garden is always in bloom if you knit it…

If you want flowers that won’t wilt, leaves that won’t turn brown, and bugs that won’t eat your veggie plants, then the Backyard Garden Kit is just the thing! There are 15 patterns for small accessories in this kit, and plenty of Palette to knit all of them and then some. You could easily knit a whole bouquet of Calla Lilies, or make a swarm of Monarch Butterflies. They’re small enough that you could easily make even the most complicated pieces in an afternoon or two, so they’re great for last-minute gifts, decorations, or stash-busting. The kit does use a few interesting techniques. There is stranded knitting: Short Rows: Little bits of Intarsia (or duplicate stitch): And lots of neat shaping: With all those techniques, this can be a fun learning ...

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Gift Certificate Winner!

We have randomly picked a winner of the $50 Knit Picks Gift Certificate! *Drum roll* The winner is Penny Semberski from Little Rock, AR. Congratulations Penny! Check your email inbox for your gift certificate today! And for everyone else, we sent out a coupon to receive 10% off of your Knit Picks order for entering the contest and sending an e-card to a friend about our new tutorials website. We hope that you enjoy your new knitting or crocheting supplies and maybe the tutorials can teach you something new! <

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Ideal Knit-A-Long (KAL) for first-timers!

I launched my Mitten Tutorial KAL last week and, after reading the posts, I realized that it is a perfect forum for any knitter who has been hesitant to join a KAL before. Number OneThe lesson and project is small and simple. It’s all about learning as opposed to finishing a project. You can participate without knitting at all! Just follow the lessons, maybe write down a few notes and then chat with all of the members. Number TwoI am thrilled to see that a couple of our most engaging members, like Cheryl and KnitterGirl39 have joined the group. Lots of encouragement and knowledge to share. Number ThreeWe just started last week and the accompanying video was a simple review of mitten basics. You can join right now and not feel like you have to do a whole bunch of catching up. No matter how busy ...

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Don’t believe that groundhog!

Maybe it’s just foolish optimism, maybe it’s the strangely calm winter we’re having here in the Pacific NW… But I say, spring is coming early! Early, I say! Hear that nature? Why so excited about spring? Well, because I can show off my Fancy Feet! Today it was actually warm enough to kick off my shoes and sit on the grass. (Sorry if you’re blinded by my Oregon tan, though) This is exactly the weather I had in mind while designing the Fancy Feet kit. Those wonderful days that are just warm enough to wear an open toed shoe, but still too cold to do so without socks. They’re just enough to keep my toes warm. What’s really cool about them is the heel. It’s designed to stay put! It’s a modified short-row heel that comes ...

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Interview with Erica Jackofsky

Erica is definitely a favorite around the Knit Picks office – she was one of the first designers we contacted for the Independent Designer Partnership Program after seeing her beautiful designs on her website and on Ravelry. And not only is she an wonderful designer, she’s an incredible musician as well!! I always look forward to seeing Erica’s new designs and very pleased she’s a big part of the success of IDP. How long have you been knitting? I guess that depends on how technical you want to get. I taught myself how to knit shortly after I graduated highschool (in 2002), but I didn’t stick with it. Knitting went on the back burner once I started college. Since I hadn’t really immersed myself in yarn, I wasn’t addicted yet, and thus promptly forgot about it once deadlines for research papers began looming. When ...

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Mitten, mitten, who’s got the mitten?

Well, I have been working on a mitten knitting video series, and a Knit-A-Long so that we can all have mittens!! I think the middle of winter is a perfect time to learn something new and quick to knit. This week I give a general outline of the course including supplies that you will need. <

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Interview with Talitha Kuomi

As the coordinator for the Independent Designer Partnership program, I’ve seen so many fantastic patterns & met so many wonderful people that I’m so happy to share with the knitting world! As an ongoing series, I’m going to be posting interviews with many of the designers, to get to know them & see what motivates them in their designing. First up is Talitha Kuomi. You’ve probably seen her adorable patterns already – Loved, the super cute crown; Shines, the cheery City Tweed pillow; and her new pattern released this week, the ultra soft & cuddly Line Upon Line. To me, her designs are so whimsical & unique and I am so happy to have her be part of the program How long have you been knitting? Since I was 12. I sat down one afternoon and taught myself to knit from my ‘Pioneer Girl’s Manual’. I learned to crochet ...

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Beep Beep! Transportation Playset!

This was just way too much fun to design! Kerin and I collaborated on the Land and Sea Playset kit, and it was a realy treat, since this is exactly the kind of toy my brother and I loved as children! I wrote the patterns for the pickup truck and taxi cab (brought it back to my New York routes with a real yellow checkered cab!) and Kerin did a great job on the sailboat and happy choo choo train! These are all knit out of soft, washable shine sport. I wish we had a recording of the squeals of delight when these samples came back into the office–I think everyone reverted to childhood for a minute as we all got down on the floor and pushed the little toys along the roads and tracks on the playmat: The playmat is a downloadable pattern I ...

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