Wow! 2 battles in Round 2 were thisclose! In the Plantastic Battle, Comfy just barely squeaked by Galileo by 9 whole votes (see, every vote counts!). And in an even closer match, Cotlin and Shine were neck & neck the entire time with Cotlin finally coming out on top by 5 votes. The other 2 battles were pretty decisive with Billow getting 70% of the vote in the battle with Curio and Dishie triumphant over Dishie Multi with 65% of the vote. So here’s the updated bracket:
Now we move on to the Elite Eight! Only 2 battles today in the the animal fibers bracket – it’s wool vs cashmere and wool vs alpaca. Who will reign supreme? These battles will run until March 31st at 8am so get your votes in!
Battle 1 – Wool of the Andes vs Capra
Wool of the Andes vs Capra
- Wool of the Andes (54%, 291 Votes)
- Capra (46%, 247 Votes)
Total Voters: 538

Battle 2 – Wool of the Andes Bulky vs Alpaca Cloud
Wool of the Andes Bulky vs Alpaca Cloud
- Alpaca Cloud (70%, 378 Votes)
- Wool of the Andes Bulky (30%, 159 Votes)
Total Voters: 537

Go team go! We’ll see you Monday morning for the next round!