Well, Round 1 is complete! In the most heated battle, Wool of the Andes vs Palette, there were less than 40 votes between the winner and loser! But WoTA reigned supreme with 52% of the votes. The other battles were fairly decisive with Capra (70% of the votes), Wool of the Andes Bulky (63% of the votes) and Alpaca Cloud (74% of the votes) all coming out on top and moving on. Here’s the updated bracket:
Today’s battles focus on our cottons/plant fiber yarns! Are you ready to root on your favorites? Remember, we’ll be giving away a gift pack of the winning yarn during the championship battle so make sure you are getting those votes in for your favorites! (You’ll be able to enter to win during the Final 2 Battle). Round 2 will go through Thursday March 27th at 8 am – we’ll anounce the winners that day & get started with battles between the Elite Eight!
First Battle – Billow vs Curio
Cotton Contenders
- Billow (70%, 342 Votes)
- Curio (30%, 150 Votes)
Total Voters: 492

Second Battle – Galileo vs Comfy
Plantastic Blends
- Comfy (51%, 255 Votes)
- Galileo (49%, 246 Votes)
Total Voters: 501

Third Battle – Shine vs Cotlin
Easy Care Champs
- Cotlin (50%, 253 Votes)
- Shine (50%, 248 Votes)
Total Voters: 501

Fourth Battle – Dishie vs Dishie Multi
Washcloth Warriors
- Dishie (65%, 325 Votes)
- Dishie Multi (35%, 178 Votes)
Total Voters: 503

Have fun and we’ll see you again on Thursday for the next round!