There is only one blog that scares me!

I use Bloglines to organize and follow blogs that I find interesting.

No one’s life is simple which means blogs don’t always fall into neat categories. But, I think I do a pretty good job. Of course, there are the

‘Knitting Blogs

Some of my favorites include…

Passing Down Crazy

Wendy Knits

Green Woman Comes Knocking

or Mary Scott Huff

I have another Bloglines Folder titled “Photographically Interesting“. These are blogs that are inspirational to me in terms of improving my blog photography.

Definitely Pioneer Woman

Brooklyn Tweed

Raised In Cotton

or Reclaiming the Home

Oh, and the “Food” blogs!


or Smitten Kitchen

Going to Bloglines is like opening up a huge mailbox! Lots of delightful letters and packages.

None of the blog samples I have shared with you scare me. They inspire me! I want to “knit that”, “photograph like that”, “bake that” – Sometime In The Future!

The blog that scares me is the one that makes me want to stop whatever I am doing and knit! Seriously! If I am in the middle of a large, important project, I postpone opening the blog when I see there is a new entry. I definitely, under no circumstances, open a blog post in the morning. I will fight the knitting demons all day long and be so distracted that my work will suffer.

Who is this dangerous blog writer?


Yep, those are gnomes on the mitten!

And, strawberries!!

So, why do SpillyJane’s designs cause such an immediate need to knit them? Accessability! SpillyJane frequently uses our Palette yarn.

Palette is a yarn that Kerin and Nina use a lot – we ALWAYS have lots of Palette in the office stash. See the problem?

SpillyJane is also an insanely prolific designer. It seems like every time I open her blog, she has another design!! Seriously! (I’ve been watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy re-runs so “Seriously” is my favorite word right now)

My favorite?

Cupcakes! Seriously!
