We LOVE our pets at Knit Picks! We couldn’t pass up the chance to celebrate Take Your Dog (and Cat) to Work Day on this toasty Monday in Vancouver, WA. We’re sharing some of the silliness and shenanigans which have ensued over this past year of working at home; yarn and pets can be a troublesome combo. We even found a few of the cutest pattern collections, which are shared below. Please keep the ohhhs and ahhhs to a minimum, since we’re workin’.
Kate Millard – Merchandising Coordinator:

Huskies, like my sweet girl Taco here, are not known for their self-restraint when it comes to things that are soft and squishy (read: yarn). Case in point, I had knit myself a super-cozy, Steve Zissou style beanie out of Stroll yarns last year. SOMEBODY grabbed it off the kitchen counter and proceeded to rip it to shreds, all while Mom was on a Zoom call for work. She was delighted; I still get a little teary-eyed thinking about my favorite bright red hat.

My girl Sushi is the biggest Chroma fan you’ll ever meet. I’m not quite sure what it is—the softness, the bright colors, the smell perhaps? Whatever it may be, she cannot be trusted alone with the stuff. For example—I left a couple of balls of Chroma Worsted on my dining table one day. I went outside to water the garden, and while I was away, she proceeded to make a big ole pile of yarn spaghetti. Upon returning to the scene, I found my sweet little rescue girl, rolling around the table amidst 500g (give or take) of superwash wool, living her BEST life. Needless to say, Sushi is no longer allowed near any Chroma.
Zoey Baggins – Influencer Marketing Outreach Associate:

While my Corgi Nellie, is rarely interested in my knitting and crochet, she does often involve herself in my sewing.
She’s been my favorite coworker since she was 8 weeks old, and had quickly mastered workplace charm. As self-appointed Branch Manager, she could often be found during lunch breaks, patrolling parking lots for trip hazards by removing any fallen sticks and carrying them around. Now that we’re remote, she has promoted herself to Chief of Security, and ensures all UPS and Fedex deliveries are accounted for. Authorization for deliveries are often obtained by her favorite UPS driver who generally has a snack waiting for her.
During evenings and weekends, her title shifts to Fabric Specialist and Coziness Coordinator, depending on her mood. Always aware of potential hazards from sudden breezes, she is diligent to hold down any fabric that happens to be set upon the floor. Fabric holding is exhausting work, so it often leads to an afternoon snooze.
Hillary Elliott – Creative Director:
I can’t resist sharing the woes of photo shoots with pets. My creative director, Pete Loaf, is always there to make sure my project photos look great.

Pet-Themed Knitting Patterns:
We hope we made you laugh and you are as inspired as we are to make something for your pet or to discover a project which your pet will love to manage the making process for. Either way, pets win. Definitely share your pet & yarn photos in the comments. We can’t wait to see them!